Title Automatska detekcija i raspoznavanje registarskih oznaka vozila korištenjem neuronskih mreža
Title (english) Automatic Detection and Recognition of Vehicle License Plates Using Neural Networks
Author Nikola Merlić
Mentor Nikola Lopac (mentor)
Mentor Nicoletta Saulig (komentor)
Committee member Marko Kršulja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Lopac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nicoletta Saulig (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Karlo Griparić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department of Engineering) Pula
Defense date and country 2025-03-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Computing Data Processing
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu detaljno je istražen problem prepoznavanja registarskih oznaka, pri čemu su implementirana i uspoređena tri različita algoritma: YOLO, Faster R-CNN i SSD, uz implementaciju vlastite neuronske mreže. Cilj rada bio je istražiti performanse ovih algoritama u zadatku detekcije registarskih oznaka te analizirati njihovu otpornost na degradirane slike. Modeli su trenirani na skupu od 433 slike koje sadrže registarske oznake, dok je dodatno uključeno 45 slika bez oznaka kao negativni primjeri, s ciljem poboljšanja otpornosti modela na lažne detekcije. Nakon inicijalnog treniranja na čistim podacima, modeli su validirani i testirani na slikama s dodanim Gaussovim i salt & pepper šumom kako bi se procijenila njihova otpornost na realne uvjete degradacije slike.
Analiza rezultata pokazala je da SSD algoritam ostvaruje najviše rezultate u preciznosti, dok YOLO postiže bolju brzinu detekcije. SSD se pokazao otpornijim na šum, dok je YOLO osjetljiviji na degradirane slike, ali i dalje održava solidne rezultate. Faster R-CNN je dao balansirane rezultate između SSD-a i YOLO-a, no pokazao je osjetljivost na šum, što ga čini manje pouzdanim u uvjetima degradirane slike. Vlastita neuronska mreža postigla je solidne rezultate u prepoznavanju registarskih oznaka, no zbog slabijih performansi u određivanju bounding boxova (što se vidi po nižem IoU rezultatu), pokazalo se da je korištenje specijaliziranih arhitektura poput SSD-a, YOLO-a i Faster R-CNN-a bolja opcija za ovaj zadatak.
Uočeno je da otpornost modela na šum varira, pri čemu se SSD pokazao najstabilnijim, dok YOLO nudi brži, ali osjetljiviji pristup. Rezultati ukazuju na to da se performanse svih modela mogu dodatno poboljšati prilagodbom hiperparametara, augmentacijom podataka te korištenjem većih i raznovrsnijih skupova podataka. Ova istraživanja mogu poslužiti kao smjernice za buduća unaprjeđenja algoritama za detekciju registarskih oznaka, osobito u realnim uvjetima gdje degradacija slike može utjecati na konačne rezultate.
Abstract (english) This thesis presents an in-depth study of the problem of license plate recognition by implementing and comparing three different algorithms: YOLO, Faster R-CNN, and SSD, alongside a custom neural network. The objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of these algorithms in license plate detection and analyze their robustness to image degradation. The models were trained on a dataset of 433 images containing license plates, with an additional 45 images without plates included as negative examples to improve model resilience against false detections. After the initial training on clean images, the models were validated and tested on images with added Gaussian and salt & pepper noise to assess their performance under real-world image degradation conditions.
The results indicate that SSD achieved the highest accuracy, while YOLO provided faster detection. SSD demonstrated greater robustness to noise, whereas YOLO exhibited higher sensitivity to degraded images but maintained solid performance. Faster R-CNN yielded balanced results between SSD and YOLO but showed vulnerability to noise, making it less reliable in degraded conditions. The custom neural network produced satisfactory results in license plate recognition, but its weaker performance in bounding box prediction (as reflected in its lower IoU score) suggests that specialized architectures such as SSD, YOLO, and Faster R-CNN are more suitable for this task.
The study highlights variations in model robustness to noise, with SSD emerging as the most stable, while YOLO offers a faster but more sensitive approach. The findings emphasize that all models could achieve improved results through hyperparameter tuning, data augmentation, and the use of larger and more diverse datasets. These insights serve as guidelines for future enhancements in license plate detection algorithms, particularly in real-world scenarios where image degradation can impact final outcomes.
prepoznavanje registarskih oznaka
Faster R-CNN
neuronske mreže
otpornost na šum
Gaussov šum
salt & pepper šum
prilagodba algoritma
praktična primjena
Keywords (english)
license plate recognition
Faster R-CNN
neural networks
noise robustness
Gaussian noise
salt & pepper noise
model adaptation
real-world applications
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:198438
Study programme Title: Computer science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/ inženjerka računarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/ inženjerka računarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-03-14 13:04:28