Abstract | Interes za povijest i porijeklo je fenomen koji se pojavio puno prije i u mnogo većem opsegu od samih akademskih disciplina povijesti i arheologije. Drevni babilonski gradovi zakopani su unutar mitologije toliko da je često upitno u kojoj su mjeri realni. Cilj ovog rada je odijeliti mit od akademskih činjenica kako bi se oslikala potpuna slika drevnih babilonskih gradova sa povijesnog gledišta. Dakle, pravim prikazom povijesti, arhitekture, načina ţivota i kulture svakog pojedinog drevnog babilonskog grada posljedično su razbijeni mitovi i naĎena uporišta legendama. Tako su u potpunosti opovrgnuti mitovi o Babilonskim visećim vrtovima ili „trţnicama mladenki“, potpunom smaku svijeta nakon pada Babilona i kraĎi ćupa koji prenosi kulturalna obiljeţja, a poplave i multilingvizam bili su samo posljedica geografskih obiljeţja. No, isto tako je potvrĎeno da su postojale odreĎene graĎevinske strukture koje podsjećaju na one mitske (hramovi raznim boţanstvima, mostovi i kule), u svim babilonskim gradovima. GraĎani su općenito bili religiozni i nerijetko su gatali iz jetre, štovali idole i zapisivali misne zahvale kraljevima i bogovima. Osim toga, s obzirom da je većina gradova, počevši od grada Eridu (nazivanog i rajskim vrtom Mezopotamije), preko Uruka (razvoj civilizacije, pisma, arhitekture i moguće masovne proizvodnje) do Babilona bila izrazito bogata, moţemo pretpostaviti porijeklo financijskih mitova. Povijesne prilike kao što su ratovi, porobljavanje Ţidova i pad Babilona inspirirali su brojne kulturološke i geografske mitove jer je stalno dolazilo do pomicanja granica gradova i carstva. Osim mitova i legendi, drevni babilonski gradovi obogatili su današnju kulturu, pismo, društvo, civilizaciju i umjetnost. |
Abstract (english) | Human interest in antiquity and origins is a phenomenon far older and more varied than the academic disciplines of history or archeology. The ancient Babylonian cities are buried into mythology so deeply that it is often questionable to what extent they are realistic. This paper provides academic facts that will divide the myth from reality in order to portray a complete picture of ancient Babylonian cities from a historical point of view. Thus, the history, architecture, lifestyle, and culture of each ancient city of Babylon had been portrayed in order to separate myths and legends from facts. The myths of the Babylonian hanging gardens or the „marriage markets" and the utter desolation of the world after the fall of Babylon, were completely rejected. Floods and seasons were the result of geographic features as well as multilingualism, not the legends. However, some similarities were found within the ancient Babylonian cities that were „furtile ground“ for myths. Namely, it was confirmed that similar building structures , that reminded of those mythical (temples of various deities, bridges and towers) elements, were built in all Babylonian cities. Citizens were generally religious and often told fortunes from the liver, worshiped the idols and wrote the eulogies to kings and gods. Moreover, since most cities, starting from the city of Eridu (called the heavenly garden of Mesopotamia), through Uruk (civilization, literacy, architecture and possible mass production) to Babylon were extremely rich, we can assume the origin of financial myths. Historical circumstances such as wars, the enslavement of the Jews and the fall of Babylon inspired numerous cultural and geographic myths, as the boundaries between cities and empires had constantly been shifted. Apart from myths and legends, ancient Babylonian cities are enriched with today's culture, writing, society, civilization and art. |