Abstract | Prva stoljeća osmanske povijesti vrlo su slabo dokumentirana, ali je poznato da se početkom 14. stoljeća raspadom Rumskog sultanata u Anatoliji uzdiže mali emirat pod Osmanom, koji će i dati ime Turcima Osmanlijama. Cijelo to stoljeće Osmanlije neće predstavljati ozbiljnu prijetnju Hrvatsko-Ugarskom Kraljevstvu pa se tako i vladari neće previše brinuti zbog njihova povremenog djelovanja u Jugoistočnoj Europi. Već krajem stoljeća, nakon bitke na Kosovu i pobjede kod Nikopolja, postaje jasno da su Osmanlije u usponu. Ugarski kralj Sigismund kasno shvaća ozbiljnost situacije, ali nam ostavlja začetke sustava obrane južnih granica Kraljevstva. Kada su 1453. Osmanlije osvojili Carigrad, u Europi se probudila svijest o opasnosti koja prijeti. Shodno tome, kralj Matija Korvin prvi je ozbiljnije počeo raditi na sustavu obrane pa je tako osnivanjem Jajačke i Srebreničke banovine te Senjske kapetanije povukao crtu obrambenih utvrda od istočnih granica do Jadrana. Premda je Matija puno vremena i novca trošio na svoje srednjoeuropske planove, južna je granica do njegove smrti dotad najuspješnije zaustavljala osmanske prodore. Kada su ga naslijedili kraljevi iz dinastije Jagelović, obrana Kraljevstva je strmoglavo počela popuštati, a Osmansko je Carstvo upravo tad išlo ka vrhuncu svoje moći. Takav je rasplet događaja osmanskim sultanima jamčio relativno uspješno prodiranje duboko u Hrvatsko-Ugarsko Kraljevstvo. Osvajanjem dotad uspješno branjenog Beograda samo su nagovijestili uspjeh na Mohaču i okončanje dugostoljetne veze Hrvatske i Ugarske. Građanski rat u Hrvatskoj, do kojeg dolazi nakon poraza kod Mohača, opet ide na ruku osmanskim osvajanjima, čiji će vrhunac biti osvajanje Budima 1541. Gradnjom prstena utvrda oko Budima osmanski je sultan u Ugarskoj pokrenuo ozbiljan projekt gradnje novih obrambenih utvrda, koje su trebale zaštititi Srednju Europu u doba najveće moći Osmanskog Carstva za vrijeme Sulejmana Veličanstvenog. |
Abstract (english) | The first centuries of Ottoman history are very poorly documented, nevertheless it is known, that in early 14th century, after the fall of the Sultanate of Rum, a small emirate in Anatolia, ruled by Osman, had begun to rise. The Ottoman Turks, bearing the name of Osman or Othman, will not represent any threat to the Kingdom of Croatia and Hungary in that century and the rulers of the kingdom will not be worried by their actions in southeastern Europe. By the end of the century, after the Battle of Kosovo and the victory in Nicopolis, it had become clear that Ottomans are strongly advancing. The king of Hungary, Sigismund of Luxemburg realizes the danger of the situation too late, but he managed to begin to assemble an organized defense system along the southern border of his kingdom. It was the fall of Constantinople in 1453 that made Europeans aware of the Ottoman danger. King Matthias Corvinus was the first who had seriously started working on a defense system; he organized defensive provinces, banates of Jajce and Srebrenik and captaincy of Senj so he could draw the line of forts from the eastern border to the Adriatic. Although he had been spending a lot of money and time to his Central European issues, the organized southern border was successfully stopping Ottoman invasion until Corvins death. During the reign of his successors of the Jagiellon dynasty, the defense system started to collapse, just in time when the Ottoman were heading at their peak, so the Ottoman sultans had been given an opportunity to penetrate deep inside the territory of Hungarian kingdom. The taking of Beograd, which was successfully defended for a long period, foretells their success at Mohacs, which broke the relations between Hungary and Croatia that lasted for centuries. After the Battle of Mohacs, Croatia was in state of civil war, which also helped the Ottoman invasion, as they conquered the city of Budim in 1541. |