Title Utjecaj Marxa, Durkheima i Webbera na razvoj ekonomske sociologije
Title (english) Impact of Marx, Durkheim and Webber on the development of econoic sociology
Author Andi Kalčić
Mentor Saša Stjepanović (mentor)
Committee member Daniel Tomić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Stjepanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Manuel Benazić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2017-12-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Ekonomska sociologija nastala je kao novi pristup u analizi ekonomskih pojava posebno naglašavajući ulogu koju gospodarska struktura i institucije imaju na društvo, kao i utjecaj koji društvo ima na prirodu gospodarskih struktura i institucija. Obuhvaća proučavanje društvenih uzroka i posljedica različitih ekonomskih pojava. Od svog nastanka, ekonomska je sociologija doživjela dva vrhunca: u razdoblju od 1890. do 1920. , odnosno u doba kada su se svi sociolozi zanimali za ekonomiju i pisali o njoj te od početka 1980. godine pa nadalje. Klasično se razdoblje odnosi na kraj 19. odnosno početak 20. stoljeća. Nakon 1920. godine ekonomska sociologija polako oslabljuje te je nakon puno godina zapostavljenosti, ponovno oživjela tek 1980-ih godina i razvija se i dan danas i to nazivamo razdobljem nove ili suvremene ekonomske sociologije. U klasičnoj se ekonomskoj sociologiji najviše raspravljalo o radovima Marxa, Webera i Durkheima, te Tocquevillea i Simmela, ali je nedvojbeno najvažnije djelovanje Maxa Webera čiji su radovi temelj rane ekonomske sociologije. On je prvi pokušao sustavno razraditi ekonomsku sociologiju. Karl Marx bi je zaokupljen ulogom ekonomije u društvu stoga je razvio teoriju u kojoj je ekonomija određivala opću evoluciju društva. Marxovo polazište u njegovim radovima jesu rad i proizvodnja, a proučavao je ekonomske podloge klasnih odnosa i političke aktivnosti. Svojim radom nastojao je osigurati opći teorijski okvir za razumijevanje dinamike kapitalizma. Njegova opća teorija ekonomskog razvoja predložila je stavljanje klase u središte analize. Max Weber proučavao je podrijetlo ekonomskih institucija i ekonomskog ponašanja. Njegov fokus na društvenu akciju, postavio je ulogu institucija u ekonomskom životu u središnje mjesto njegove ekonomske sociologije. Emile Durkheim proučavao je rast kapitalističke podjele rada. Istraživao je kako društvene mreže i društvene uloge variraju u različitim društvima, a velik dio novijih radova u ekonomskoj sociologiji temelji se upravo na njegovim saznanjima. Durkheim je pokušao razumjeti pojavu industrijskog kapitalizma kroz konkretne društvene mreže koje su dovele do povećane podjele rada. Durkheim je za razliku od Marxa i Webera, manje pisao o ekonomskim temama ali je i on imao veliki utjecaj na razvitak ekonomske sociologije. Na teorijama Marxa, Durkheima i Webera izgrađena je ekonomska sociologija kakvu danas poznajemo.
Abstract (english) Economic sociology has emerged as a new approach to the analysis of economic phenomena, especially emphasizing the role that the economic structure and institutions have on society, as well as the influence which society has on the nature of economic structures and institutions. That is a study of social causes and consequences of different economic phenomena. Since its inception, economic sociology has experienced two climaxes: from 1890 to 1920, when all sociologists were interested in the economy and wrote about it and from the beginning of 1980's to today. The classic period refers to the late 19th and early 20th century. After 1920, economic sociology slowly weakened and after many years of neglect it was revived in the 1980's and still developing today as the period of new or modern economic sociology. In classical economic sociology was most discussed about the works of Marx, Weber and Durkheim, and Tocqueville and Simmel. The most important is activity of Max Weber whose works are the base of early economic sociology. He first tried to systematically elaborate economic sociology. Karl Marx was preoccupied with the role of economics in society so he developed a theory in which the economy determinate the general evolution of society. Marx starting points in his works were labor and production and he studied the economic backgrounds of class relations and political activities. Through his work he sought to provide a general theoretical framework for understanding the dynamics of capitalism. His general theory of economic development suggested placing the class at the center of the analysis. Max Weber studied the origin of economic institutions and economic behavior. His focus on social action has set the role of institutions in economic life at the center of his economic sociology. Emile Durkheim studied the growth of capitalist division of labor. He studied how social networks and social roles vary in different societies, and a lot of recent works in economic sociology is based on his findings. Durkheim tried to understand the appearance of industrial capitalism through concrete social networks that led to an increased division of labor. Durkheim, unlike Marx and Weber, wrote less about economy, but he also had a big influence on the development of economic sociology.The economic sociology that we know today is built on the theories of Marx, Durkheim and Weber.
ekonomska sociologija
Karl Marx
Emile Durkheim
Max Weber
Keywords (english)
economic sociology
Karl Marx
Emile Durkheim
Max Weber
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:188205
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Business Informatics Course: Business Informatics Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-04-30 11:14:09