Abstract | Rušenje Berlinskog zida u studenom 1989. simbolično je označilo početak pada komunizma i demokratizaciju društva u istočnoeuropskim državama koje su do tada imale komunističku vlast, pa tako i u republikama u sklopu SFRJ. Međutim, u Socijalističkoj Republici Srbiji sredinom osamdesetih godina XX. stoljeća započela je obnova velikosrpskog projekta iz XIX. stoljeća, prema kojem je zapadna granica srpske države – tzv. Velike Srbije – zamišljena duboko na teritoriju hrvatske države. Želja tadašnjeg srpskog političkog vodstva, na čelu sa Slobodanom Miloševićem, bila je potpuna dominacija Srbije nad ostalim jugoslavenskim republikama, po načelu „jedan čovjek - jedan glas“. Potrebno je napomenuti da su Milošević i njegovi istomišljenici u svojim rukama imali JNA. S druge strane, Republike Hrvatska i Slovenija htjele su veću decentralizaciju države, odnosno htjele su konfederaciju, a alternativno rješenje za obje republike bilo je proglašenje samostalnosti i suverenosti. Srpskom je političkom vodstvu, alternativa Jugoslaviji u kojoj će dominirati Srbija, bilo stvaranje jedinstvene države, tzv. Velike Srbije. Navedena država obuhvaćala bi veći dio područja bivše SFRJ, odnosno područje (otprilike) istočno od linije Virovitica – Pakrac – Karlovac – Ogulin i dio Gorskog kotara – Karlobag. Taj cilj mogao se ostvariti samo vojnim putem, osvajanjem značajnog dijela Hrvatske i cijele Bosne i Hercegovine. Kako je s vremenom postalo jasno da SFRJ ne može opstati, a srpsko političko vodstvo je bilo odlučno ostvariti svoje planove, agresija na Hrvatsku, odnosno Domovinski rat bio je neizbježan. Na osnovi referenduma održanog 19. svibnja 1991. u Republici Hrvatskoj, kada se velika većina birača izjasnila za suverenu i samostalnu državu, Hrvatski sabor je 25. lipnja 1991. donio Ustavnu odluku o suverenosti i samostalnosti Republike Hrvatske. Međutim, tzv. Brijunskom deklaracijom od 7. srpnja 1991., odlučeno je da Republika Hrvatska (kao i Republika Slovenija) odgodi primjenu svoje ustavne odluke o samostalnosti i suverenosti za tri mjeseca. Dana 7. listopada 1991., dva zrakoplova JNA raketirala su Banske dvore u Zagrebu, u trenucima kada se ondje održavao sastanak Franje Tuđmana, Stjepana Mesića, Ante Markovića i Žarka Domljana, no srećom nitko nije stradao. Navedenim je danom završavala tromjesečna odgoda hrvatske ustavne odluke o samostalnosti i suverenosti te je sljedećeg dana, 8. listopada 1991., Sabor Republike Hrvatske donio Odluku o raskidu državnopravnih sveza Hrvatske sa SFRJ. Dana 15. siječnja 1992. Europska zajednica priznala je Hrvatsku kao suverenu i samostalnu državu, a 22. svibnja 1992. Republika Hrvatska primljena je u članstvo Ujedinjenih naroda, što je bio vrhunac njezinog međunarodnog priznanja. Domovinski rat trajao je od 1991. do 1995., odnosno do 15. siječnja 1998. godine. Pobjedom hrvatskih snaga u operaciji „Oluja“, u kolovozu 1995., dolazi do prestanka ratnih djelovanja u Hrvatskoj. Završetkom procesa mirne reintegracije hrvatskog Podunavlja, od 15. siječnja 1998., Hrvatska je konačno bila teritorijalno cjelovita te su Hrvati, nakon mnogo godina dobili samostalnu, suverenu i međunarodno priznatu državu. Tijekom Domovinskog rata Istra je ostala pošteđena ratnih razaranja, no stanje u istoj do odlaska JNA u prosincu 1991. nije bilo mirno, dapače, u nekim trenucima i izrazito napeto. Iako se na području Istre nije izravno vodio Domovinski rat, Istra i njezini stanovnici u istome su dali svoj doprinos – ponajviše primanjem prognanika i izbjeglica te aktivnim sudjelovanjem istarskih postrojbi. Također, Istra je, uz sjeverozapad Hrvatske, bila predvodnica hrvatskog gospodarstva u trenucima kada je rat bio glavna okupacija. Dakle, može se zaključiti da je Istra dala svoj doprinos hrvatskoj pobjedi u Domovinskom ratu i stvaranju suvremene hrvatske države, odnosno Republike Hrvatske. |
Abstract (english) | Fall of the Berlin Wall in November, 1989, symbolically marked the beginning of the fall of communism and the democratization of society in most of Eastern European countries (including SFRY). However, in the Socialist Republic of Serbia, in the mid-eighties of the twentieth century, began the reconstruction of the Greater Serbian project from the 19th century, according to which the western border of the Serbian state - the so-called Great Serbia - was conceived deeply in the territory of the Croatian state. The desire of the Serbian political leadership, headed by Slobodan Milosevic, was the complete dominance of Serbia over other Yugoslav republics, on the principle "One Man - One Voice". It should be noted that Milosevic and his contemporaries had Yugoslav People's Army at their desposal. On the other hand, the Republic of Croatia and Slovenia wanted greater decentralization of the state, that is, they wanted confederation,wirh the alternative solution for both republics being the proclamation of independence and sovereignty. Serbian political leadership, had an alternative to Yugoslavia in which Serbia would be the central part wih the creation of the so-called Great Serbia. The aforementioned state would cover most of the territory of the former SFRY, or the area (roughly) east of the Virovitica - Pakrac - Karlovac - Ogulin and part of Gorski Kotar - Karlobag. This goal could only be achieved by military means, by winning a significant part of Croatia and the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As it became clear in time that the SFRY could not survive, and Serbian political leadership was determined to make its plans, the aggression against Croatia or the Croatian War of Independence was inevitable. On the basis of a referendum held on May 19, 1991 in the Republic of Croatia, when a large majority of voters pleaded for a sovereign and independent state, the Croatian Parliament passed a Constitutional Declaration on the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Croatia on June 25, 1991. However on the so-called Brijuni Declaration of 7 July 1991, it was decided that the Republic of Croatia (as well as the Republic of Slovenia) would postpone the application of its constitutional decision on independence and sovereignty for three months. On October 7, 1991, two Yugoslav People's Army aircrafts bombarded Banski Dvori (which was in use by Croatian Government) in Zagreb, in the moments when there was a meeting between Franjo Tuđman, Stjepan Mesic, Ante Marković and Žarko Domljan, but luckily nobody was injured. That day ended the quarterly delay of the Croatian constitutional decision on independence and sovereignty, and on the following day, on October 8, 1991, the Croatian Parliament passed the Decision on termination of Croatian state law relations with SFRY. On January 15, 1992, the European Community recognized Croatia as a sovereign and independent state, and on May 22, 1992, the Republic of Croatia was admitted to the United Nations, which was the culmination of its international acknowledgment. The Croatian War of Independence lasted from 1991 to 1995., ie until January 15, 1998. The victory of Croatian forces in Operation Storm in August, 1995, ends the war in Croatia. By ending the process of peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Podunavlje, from January 15, 1998, Croatia was finally territorially complete and Croats, after many years, received an independent, sovereign and internationally recognized state. During the Croatian War of Independence, Istria was spared of war, but the situation was not calm until Yugoslav People's Army departure in December 1991, in fact, at some moments extremely tense. Even though the Croatian War of Independence did not occur directly in Istria, Istria and its inhabitants contributed to it - mostly by accepting refugees and by active participation of Istrian troops. Also, in the northwest of Croatia, Istria was the leader of the Croatian economy in moments when the war was the main occupation. Thus, it can be concluded that Istria has contributed to the Croatian victory in the Homeland War and the creation of the modern Croatian state, i.e the Republic of Croatia. |