Abstract | Odgoj djeteta je veoma složen i odgovoran zadatak u životu. Prilikom odgoja djeteta najvažniji su roditelji koji donose sve važne odluke vezane za odgoj djeteta, ali osim roditelja u odgoju sudjeluju i mnogi drugi od kojih se izdvajaju djed i baka djeteta. Budući da su djed i baka veoma bliski s unukom te vrlo mnogo vremena provode s njim možemo reći kako su oni jako važni za rast i razvoj djeteta tj. unuka. Djeca koja se druže sa svojim djedovima i bakama vrlo su opuštena, emocionalno su jako povezana s djedom i bakom što se kasnije znatno očituje u adolescentskoj dobi kada ne pokazuju mnogo agresivnosti. Djed i baka veoma vole svog unuka te se prema njemu ponekad ponašaju kao prema svojoj djeci što u većini slučajeva dolazi do nesuglasica između roditelja i djeda i baka djeteta. Djed i baka mogu dijete previše razmaziti tako što mu sve popuštaju, daju mu sve što traži te također mogu zbog osjećaja manje vrijednosti početi mnogo pažnje posvećivati unuku te se tako udruživati s njime protiv roditelja prilikom čega dijete gubi roditeljski autoritet. Sve ove stvari mogu dovesti do nesuglasica između odraslih te mnogih svađa, pri čemu je od iznimne važnosti da se odrasli smire te da se nikako ne svađaju u prisustvu djeteta, već to odgode za vrijeme kada dijete nije u blizini. Druženje s djedom i bakom ima i pozitivne strane na odgoj unuka, unuk boraveći kod bake i djeda shvaća važnost u odnosu sa starijima, uči kako se kuha, popravlja neki stroj, čisti kuća te mnoge druge važne vrijednosti koje djed i baka nesvjesno nauče djecu. |
Abstract (english) | Child-rearing is a very complex and responsible task in life. When rearing a child, the most important element are parents, who make all the important decisions regarding the child's upbringing. However, there are many others who participate in a child’s upbringing, with grandparents particularly standing out. Since grandparents are very close with their grandchild and they spend a lot of time together, we can say that they are very important for the growth and development of the child, that is, their grandchild. Children who socialize with their grandparents are very relaxed and very close to them emotionally, which later becomes noticeable in adolescence, when they rarely exhibit aggression. Grandparents love their grandchildren and sometimes they behave as the child is their own, which, in most cases, leads to disagreements between parents and grandparents. Grandparents can spoil the child too much by giving them everything that they want. Moreover, grandparents might feel unappreciated, so they begin to pay more attention to their grandchild and band together with the child against the parents, whereby the child loses parental authority. All of these things can lead to disagreements and many quarrels between adults, in which case, it is important that the adults calm down and not argue in the presence of the child, but postpone solving the disagreements for a time when the child is not around. On the other hand, being with grandparents can have positive effects on the upbringing of the grandchild, because the grandchild will realize the importance of relating to the elderly, learn how to cook, repair machines, clean the house, and acquire many other important values taught unconsciously by grandparents. |