Abstract | Diplomski rad bavi se kulturnim rutama. U ovom radu kreira se nova dionica Rute rimskih careva u Italiji budući da dosadašnja dionica Rute prolazi kroz Hrvatsku, Srbiju, Rumunjsku i Bugarsku, a ne kroz Italiju koja je, može se reći, kolijevka Rimskog Carstva. Kako je postojeća dionica Rute povezana s Dunavskim putem vina, a Dunav ne prolazi kroz Italiju, nova dionica povezala bi se s Iter Vitis rutom tako da dionica i u Italiji bude povezana s vinskim regijama, a ujedno te iste regije povezane su regijama koje su nekada bile dio Rimskog Carstva. Kreiranjem nove dionice unaprijedila bi se međunarodna suradnja između Hrvatske, Srbije, Rumunjske, Bugarske i Italije. Rad je podijeljen u pet poglavlja gdje su najprije predstavljene odrednice kulturnog turizma i njihov odnos s kulturnim rutama. Nadalje predstavljen je profil posjetitelja kulturnih ruta te sam projekt Europskih kulturnih ruta Vijeća Europe. Da bi Ruta postala certificirana, treba zadovoljiti pet kriterija te su navedeni kriteriji, uz osnovne odrednice, obrazloženi na primjerima Rute rimskih careva i Dunavski put vina te na primjeru Iter Vitis rute. Kako bi se kreirala nova dionica rute izvršeno je anketno istraživanje da bi se uvidjelo kako su ispitanici upoznati sa samim projektom Europskih kulturnih ruta te smatraju li da bi se kreiranjem novih dionica unaprijedila međunarodna suradnja.Većina ispitanika nije upoznata s projektom, no usprkos tome smatraju da bi se kreiranjem nove dionice unaprijedila međunarodna suradnja te su se pri kreiranju dionice u obzir uzeli prijedlozi lokaliteta koje bi turisti mogli posjetiti i prijedlozi aktivnosti kojima bi se mogli baviti. Za unaprjeđenje dionice slažu se i ispitani stručnjaci. Također pri kreiranju nove dionice navedeni su događaji kojima bi turisti mogli prisustvovati te smještajni kapaciteti gdje bi oni bili smješteni i ugostiteljski objekti gdje bi konzumirali tradicionalne proizvode. Kreiranjem nove i njegovanjem postojeće dionice želi se proraditi na razvoju cjelogodišnjeg održivog turizma. Na kraju su navedeni prijedlozi za unaprjeđenje Rute gdje se naglasak stavlja na odabir pravih oblika promocija i pravih oblika interpretacije te kombinaciju održivih prijevoznih sredstava. Valja vidjeti hoće li u budućnosti nova dionica biti realizirana. |
Abstract (english) | The paper deals with cultural routes. Given that the current Route of Roman Emperors passes through Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria, and not through Italy, which could be said is the cradle of the Roman Empire, this paper creates a new section of the route in Italy. Due to the fact that the existing section of the route is connected to the Danube wine route, and the Danube does not pass through Italy, the new section connects with the Iter Vitis route, hence the respective section in Italy is linked to wine regions which were once part of the Roman Empire. Creating a new section would improve international co-operation between Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Italy. The paper is divided into five chapters where the cultural tourism determinants and their relation to the cultural routes are mentioned in the first part of the paper. In addition, the profile of visitors to cultural routes and the project called European Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe is also presented. For the route to be certified, five criteria must be fulfilled, which along with the guiding principles are explained in examples of the Roads of the Roman Emperors as well as the Danube Wine Route and the Iter Vitis Route.To create a new route section, a survey was conducted to see to what extent respondents are familiar with the European Cultural Routes project and whether they think that creating a new section would improve international cooperation. Most of the respondents are not familiar with the project, but despite this, believe that creating new section would improve international co-operation. Experts on cultural routes also agree with the idea of creating a new section of the mentioned route. When considering creating a new section, they plan to take suggestions from localities which tourists would visit and suggestions for activities they could partake in. Also, in creating a new section, the paper lists events that tourists would attend, accommodation facilities for tourists and hospitality facilities where they would be given the opportunity to try traditional products. Creating new while further develpoing existing sections is a way of developing all-year sustainable tourism. At the end of the paper, suggestions are given for improving the route with emphasis placed on choosing the right forms of promotion and interpretation in addition to sustainable means of transport. It remains to be seen whether the new section will be achieved in the future. |