Abstract | Djeca kroz sport razvijaju samostalnost, lakše sklapaju prijateljstva i poboljšavaju
sposobnost koncentracije. Nadalje, djeca kroz sport mogu zadovoljiti niz različitih potreba:
potrebu za kretanjem, potrebu za druženjem, potrebu za sigurnošću i redom, potrebu za
samoostvarenjem, potrebu za pripadanjem i sl. Također, ako se dijete identificira sa sportom
kojim se bavi i kojeg voli, tada je manja vjerojatnost da će raditi stvari koje nisu u skladu s
tom ulogom; a poznato je kako sport kao takav promiče zdrav stil života, potiče timski duh,
razvija disciplinu i potiče stvaranje radnih navika.
Sportska aktivnost potencijalno pozitivno utječe na razvoj djece i mladeži u različitim
aspektima: psihološkim, socijalnim, tjelesnim, motoričkim. Izrazito je važno da se djeca
upoznaju s raznovrsnim sportskim aktivnostima što ranije. U tome znatno mogu pomoći
sportske škole i sportski vrtići prepoznavanjem različitih karakteristika svakog pojedinog
djeteta te usmjerenjem djeteta u onu sportsku granu u kojoj će imati najveće šanse da postigne
vrhunski rezultat, ili da se barem dobro zabavi.
Ne treba zaboraviti da je sport za djecu prvenstveno igra i da se ne smiju forsirati ni u kojem
smislu, od strane trenera ni od strane roditelja. Obitelj kao zajednica je vrlo važan čimbenik u
djetetovu odrastanju, te stoji kao podrška koja ga priprema za život. I stručnjaci i roditelji
trebaju naučiti prepoznati osnovne djetetove potrebe, i nastojati ih svestrano zadovoljiti putem
sportskih aktivnosti i u sportskim aktivnostima.
Kroz bavljenje sportom mladi razvijaju kreativnost, samopoštovanje i razvijaju orijentaciju
prema cilju. Ukoliko sudjeluju u timskom sportu, djeca u svom timu uče o suradnji,
prijateljstvu, timskom radu. Uče da uspjeh tima ovisi o njihovom angažmanu o disciplini u
igri i spremnosti da žrtvuju svoje individualne ciljeve.
Kroz pobjede i poraze u sportu djeca se uče da život donosi uspone i padove, ali da dodatnim
zalaganjem mogu utjecati na konačni rezultat. Otkrivaju i da svakodnevna odricanja ne
moraju donositi trenutne rezultate, nego su dio dugoročnog procesa koji će jednog dana
donijeti uspjeh. Uče da naporan rad može biti zabavan. To saznanje im može biti od pomoći
u daljnjem životu. Bitno je da kroz bavljenje sportom razviju osobne vještine koje će im biti
od pomoći i nakon prestanka bavljenjem sportom.
Sport osim očuvanja zdravlja, te stvaranja radnih i obrambenih sposobnosti ima i značajnu
društvenu ulogu. Ta uloga je usmjerena na odgojno- obrazovne vrijednosti i provjeru tih
vrijednosti kroz uspjeh sudionika, sa stalnom težnjom ka napretku. Sport djeluje na
zdravstvenu i morfološko-funkcionalnu osobnost djeteta, a zatim i na voljno-moralnu, te
intelektualno-radnu i estetsku komponentu.
Igra i sport su sastavni dio života ljudi različite dobi, pogotovo djece. Mjesto koje sport
zauzima u društvu ima veliku važnost i utjecaj. Sport predstavlja opće ljudsko dobro. On je
jedan od najizrazitijih oblika čovjekove kreativnosti. Sport je ljudskoj prirodi prirođena
aktivnost. On budi jak interes i ima snažnu privlačnost. To je veliki odgojni potencijal i
odgojna snaga. Sport je izvanredno odgojno sredstvo. |
Abstract (english) | Children develop independence through sport, it is easier to make friends and improve
their ability to concentrate. Furthermore, children through sport can fulfill a variety of needs:
the need for movement, need for companionship, the need for security and order, the need for
self-actualization, the need to belong and so on. Also, if the child identifies with the sport that
he loves and deals, then it is less likely to do things that are not in line with this role; and it is
known to sport as such, promotes a healthy lifestyle, encourages team spirit, develop the
discipline and encourages the creation of working habits.
Sporting activity potentially positive effect on the development of children and youth in
various aspects: psychological, social, physical, motor development. It is extremely important
that children learn about the various of sporting activities as soon as it is possible. In that can
help sports schools and sports kindergartens recognizing the different characteristics of each
individual child and directing a child in one branch of sport which will have the greatest
chance of achieving top results or at least a good time.
We must not forget that sport is for children primarily game and that should not force in any
sense, by coach or by parents. The family as a community is a very important factor in a
child's growing up, and it's preparing him for life. Experts and parents should learn to
recognize the basic needs of the child, and strive to satisfy them through sports activities and
in sports activities.
Through sports youth develop creativity, self-esteem and develop orientation toward the goal.
When children are participating in team sports, kids in that team are learning about
cooperation, friendship and teamwork. They are learning that success of the team depends on
their engagement on the discipline of the game, and wilingness to sacrifice their individual
Through victories and defeats in sport children are learning that life has its ups and downs, but
that additional efforts may affect the final result. They reveal that the daily sacrifice shall not
bring immediate results, but that they are part of a long-term process that wiil one day bring
success. Children learn that hard work can be fun. That knowledge can be helpful for them in
later life. It is essential that through sports develop personal skills that will be useful and after
termination of involvement in sport.
Sport other than protecting human health and the creation of work habits and defensive skills
also has a significant social role. This role is focused on the educational system of values and
check these values through the success of participants, with a constant striving for progress.
Sport effect on health and the morphological-functional personality of a child, and effect on
the ease-moral and intellectual-working and aesthetic component.
Game and sport are an integral part of life for people of all ages, especially children. Place
that sport occupies in society has great importance and impact. Sport is the general human
good. He is one of the most prominent forms of human creativity. Sport is human nature
intrinsic activity. Has a strong interest and has a strong attraction. I'ts a great educational
potential and educational force. Sport is an excellent educational experience. |