Abstract | Glazba je sastavni dio svakog pojedinca, a u proteklom stoljeću i informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija postala je neizbježna u izvođenju nastavnog procesa. Treba biti svjestan toga da su učenici u većini slučajeva, što se tehnologije tiče, daleko ispred učitelja i roditelja jer su se rodili u vrijeme kada je ona nezaobilazna. Zbog toga se treba koristiti i upotrebljavati što češće jer će im tada nastavni sadržaj biti lako pamtljiv. Glazbena kultura provodi se u razrednoj nastavi jedan školski sat tjedno, a provodi se prema uputama trima aktualnim planovima i programima: nastavnom planu i programu, nacionalnom okvirnom kurikulumu te kurikulumu za predmet glazbena kultura. U radu su opisana i uspoređena sva tri programa. Tema ovog diplomskog rada su Mogućnosti i perspektive tehnologije u nastavi glazbene kulture primarnog obrazovanja. U ovome radu istraživane su različite aplikacije, programi te alati koji se mogu koristiti u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu nastave glazbene kulture primarnog obrazovanja. Također je istraženo mogu li se sastavnice svih triju navedenih programa uz pomoć aplikacija, programa te alata uspješno ostvariti. Iz dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se uz alate Hot Potatoes, Plickers, Kahoot!, Audacity, Audiotool, Wordwall, Scratch i Micro:bit može uspješno obraditi velik dio glazbenih sastavnica. Budući da je rad pisan u vrijeme pandemije koronavirusa, dok je nastava u potpunosti odvijana online, ovi su alati pokazatelj da se tehnologijom mogu obraditi nastavni sadržaji, iako je vladajući stav da nije moguće u potpunosti zamijeniti učitelja. Također, za potrebe ovog rada, osmišljena je aplikacija Prepoznaj instrument u kojoj je naglasak na prepoznavanju zvuka, ali i izgleda instrumenta. |
Abstract (english) | Music is an integral part of every individual, and in the past century, information and communications technology has become unavoidable in performing and teaching process. We must be aware that the students in most cases when it comes to technology are far ahead od teachers and parents because they were born at a time when is unavoidable and therefore should be used as often as possible because then their teaching content will be easier to remember. Music culture is taught in the classroom for one school hour a week, and is carried out according to the instructions of three current curricula: the Curriculum, the National frame work curriculum and the Curriculum for the subject of music culture. The paper describes and compares all three programs. The topic of this paper is Possibilities and perspectives of technology in musical education of primary education. This paper investigates various applications, programs and tools that can be used in the educational process of teaching music culture in primary education. It was also investigated whether the components of all three mentioned programs can be successfully realized with the help of applications, programs and tools. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that with the tools Hot Potatoes, Plickers, Kahoot!, Audacity, Audiotool, Wordwall, Scratch and Micro:bit, a large part of the music components can be successfully processed. Since the paper was written during the coronavirus pandemic, while teaching is entirely online, these tools are an indication of how technology can be used to process teaching content, although we have an opinion that it is still not possible to completely replace teachers. Also, for the purposes of this paper, Recognize Instrument application was designed, in which the emphasis is on recognizing the sound and appearance of the instrument. |