Title Upravljanje međunarodnim marketingom usluga
Title (english) Management of International Marketing of Services
Author Nico Bakjac
Mentor Danijela Križman Pavlović (mentor)
Committee member Dragan Benazić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Križman Pavlović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Erik Ružić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2020-05-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Definirati međunarodni marketing na jedinstven način je vrlo teško, međutim ako bi rekli da je to odluka koju poduzeće dijeli od globalne razine, ne bi bili daleko od odgovora. Uzevši u obzir veliki broj diferenciranih proizvoda i usluga koje se svakodnevno mogu pronaći na tržištu, shvaćamo težinu zadatka poduzeća kad se govori o marketingu. S obzirom na to, veliki značaj u konačnoj odluci kupca, odnosno potrošača, predstavljati će povjerenje i zanimanje koje je poduzeće ostavilo na njega putem marketinga, direktnog kontakta ili preporuke od strane korisnika koji su već bili u kontaktu s poduzećem.
Strogo gledano, usluge se mogu vezati u proizvode ali i ne moraju. Greška bi bila reći kako jedno bez drugoga ne mogu funkcionirati. Ipak, njihova povezanost daje dodatnu dimenziju i čini marketinški proces jedinstvenim. Usluge su izrazito zanimljive iz razloga što se direktno vežu uz znanje i sposobnosti osoba ili osobe koja ju pruža. Suština se nalazi u tome da je nemoguće ponoviti identičnu uslugu dva puta i samim time se dokazuje njena jedinstvenost, kao i težina koja se stavlja na poduzeće prilikom isporuke.
Važnost usluga za međunarodno tržište je teško opisati, probajte samo zamisliti svijet bez usluga transporta, isporuke ili korisničke podrške. To bi bilo ravno vraćanju nekoliko stotina godina unatrag. Koliko se god može reći da je međunarodno tržište izgradilo usluge, ista stvar vrijedi i obrnuto. Globalizacija je proces koji je izazvao promjene kod svih načina poslovanja, pa tako i kod usluga. Kako su usluge neopipljive i prenose se interakcijom, one mogu biti vezane uz proizvod ali ih se može koristiti i kao primarni izvor. U slučaju kad se ne radi o fizičkom kontaktu između kupca i pružatelja usluge, usluga se može koristiti na velike udaljenosti u kratkom vremenskom periodu.
Na temelju istraživanja poslovanja zrakoplovnog poduzeća „Croatia Airlines“ d.d. koje je provedeno za potrebe pisanja ovog diplomskog rada, lako se može zaključi kako je bez usluga gotovo nemoguće, ne samo poslovati, nego i živjeti u današnje vrijeme. „Croatia Airlines“ d.d. je odličan primjer koji dokazuje navedeno. Poduzeće je zaduženo za prijevoz putnika, što je samo po sebi usluga transporta, a kada se na to doda i širok asortiman usluga koje se vežu na glavnu uslugu, jasno je kako se govori o globalnoj važnosti usluga.
Poduzeće „Croatia Airlines“ d.d. svoje poslovanje temelji na povjerenju i sigurnosti, pri čemu joj najviše pomažu zaposlenici. Visoko educirani, vrlo motivirani i nadasve predani svom poslu, zaposlenici stvaraju i održavaju povezanost poduzeća sa korisnicima te omogućuju visoku razinu zadovoljstva prije, za vrijeme i nakon pružanja usluge. Takav pristup je neophodan za poduzeće koje želi poslovati u svijetu mnogobrojne konkurencije.
Srednje složena strategija poslovanja, temeljena na međunarodnoj poslovnoj suradnji daje poduzeću „Croatia Airlines“ d.d. mogućnost napredovanja i konstantnog praćenja promjena koje su za nju važne te brze prilagodbe zahtjevima inozemnog tržišta. Osluškivanje tržišta poduzeće koristi kako bi na vrijeme i po mogućnosti prije konkurenata uvelo linije koje su zanimljive i potrebne korisnicima, kao i proširilo mrežu poslovanja. S obzirom da poduzeće „Croatia Airlines“ d.d. svoje poslovanje prvenstveno gradi izvozom, odnosno letovima koji početnu poziciju imaju u Republici Hrvatskoj, ne čudi kako je baš na domaćem tržištu poduzeće prvi izbor većini putnika.
Abstract (english) Defining international marketing in a unique way is very difficult, however, if they were to say that this is a decision shared by the company from the global level, they would not be far from the answer. Taking into account the large number of differentiated products and services that can be found on the market every day, we understand the importance of the task of the company when it comes to marketing. In this regard, great importance in the final decision of the buyer, or consumer, will represent the trust and interest that the company has placed on it through marketing, direct contact or referral from users who have already been in contact with the company.
Strictly speaking, services can be tied into products but not necessarily. It would be a mistake to say that they cannot function without each other. However, their connectivity adds an extra dimension and makes the marketing process unique. Services are extremely interesting because they are directly related to the knowledge and abilities of the person or persons providing it. The bottom line is that it is impossible to repeat the identical service twice and thus prove its uniqueness, as well as the weight placed on the company at delivery.
The importance of services to the international market is difficult to describe, try to imagine the world without transport, delivery or customer support services. That would be equal to going back several hundred years. As much as it can be said that the international market has built services, the same is true. Globalization is a process that has caused changes in all modes of business, including services. As services are intangible and transmitted through interaction, they may be product related but may also be used as a primary source. In the case of no physical contact between the customer and the service provider, the service can be used over long distances in a short period of time.
Based on a survey of the operations of “Croatia Airlines” d.d. conducted for the purpose of writing this thesis, it can easily be concluded that without services it is almost impossible not only to do business but also to live in the present day. “Croatia Airlines” d.d. is a great example to prove the above. The company is in charge of passenger transport, which itself is a transport service, and when added to this by a wide range of services that bind to the main service, it is clear that there is talk of the global importance of services.
“Croatia Airlines” d.d. bases business on trust and security, with employees being the most helpful. Highly educated, highly motivated and highly committed to their work, employees
create and maintain company connectivity with customers and provide a high level of satisfaction before, during and after service. Such an approach is necessary for a company that wants to do business in the world with a lot of competition.
A medium sized business strategy based on international business cooperation is provided by “Croatia Airlines” d.d., the ability to move forward and constantly monitor the changes that are important to it and to adapt quickly to the requirements of the foreign market. The company uses market listening to introduce lines that are interesting and necessary to customers, as well as expand the business network, on time and preferably before competitors. Since “Croatia Airlines” d.d. primarily builds its business by export, that is, flights that have an initial position in the Republic of Croatia, it is not surprising that in the domestic market the company is the first choice for most passengers.
marketing usluga
međunarodni marketing
Croatia Airlines
Keywords (english)
marketing services
international marketing
air transport
Croatia Airlines
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:308420
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-12-02 12:00:04