Title Karakteristike japanske kuhinje i njen utjecaj na turizam u Japanu
Author Ana Kraljić Radulović
Mentor Irena Srdanović (mentor)
Mentor Naoyuki Matsuno (sumentor)
Committee member Andrea Matošević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Srdanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Moguš Yamada (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Naoyuki Matsuno (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2020-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Japanese Studies
Abstract Hrana je neraskidivo povezana s kulturom. To je slučaj svugdje u svijetu. Japanska kuhinja nudi obilje gastronomskih užitaka zahvaljujući svojoj raznolikosti regionalnih i sezonskih jela. Za mnoge ljude u modernom društvu hrana može biti nevažan dio svakodnevnog života, ali povijesno je imala ogroman utjecaj na razne elemente ljudskog društva, a taj utjecaj je prisutan i danas. Hrana i pripremanje hrane zajednički su element svih postojećih zajednica, bez obzira na zemljopisni položaj ili
... More povijesno razdoblje. Kroz povijest hrana i kuhinja stvarale su, kombinirale i razdvajale kulture. Ljudi su počeli putovati po svijetu iz različitih razloga i potreba, zbog kulturnih znamenitosti, kulturnih ljepota i slično, iz kojih se kasnije razvio turizam. Povećanjem broja turista i putovanja, turizam se tako počeo sve više razvijati i okretati njihovim potrebama. Putem učinkovitog marketinga destinacije može se lako stvoriti recept za izgradnju jedinstvenog, profitabilnog i opsežnog gastronomskog turizma. Zahvaljujući modernoj tehnologiji, u današnjem društvu praktički nema granica. Ljudi imaju pristup skoro svakoj državi u svijetu, što je dovelo do globalnog širenja turizma. Postoji mnogo različitih razloga za putovanje, ali može se sa sigurnošću reći da je znatiželja o novim kulinarskim iskustvima jedan od najvećih. Ovaj rad istražuje komponente ključne za učinkovitost i uspjeh japanskog gastronomskog turizma koji privlači i domaće i strane goste. Brendiranje također igra znakovitu ulogu u promoviranju neke destinacije. Glavni cilj ove teze je prikazati razvoj japanske kuhinje u kontekstu gastronomskog turizma. Ovo istraživanje može biti korisno za napredak i jačanje gastronomskog sektora turizma u svim područjima koja trpe zbog stagnacije ili pada prometa. Istraživanje se temelji na teorijskom opisu, analizi sekundarnih izvora i postojeće literature, napisane uglavnom na engleskom jeziku. Rad će predstaviti koncepte poput turizma i gastronomije, objasniti koncept japanske kuhinje i usredotočiti se na specifičnosti japanskog gastronomskog turizma. Teorijske temelje bit će poduprijte analizom web stranica Rurubu, Nihon no tabi i Arigato Food Tours Japan, u kojima će se tražiti sličnosti i pokušati objasniti njihov suptilni utjecaj na prosječnog „potrošača“. Less
Abstract (english) Food is inextricably linked to culture. This is the case everywhere in the world. Japanese cuisine offers an abundance of gastronomic delights thanks to its variety of regional and seasonal dishes. For many people in modern society, food can be an unimportant part of everyday life, but historically it has had a huge impact on various elements of human society, and that impact is present today. Food and food preparation are a common element of all existing communities, regardless of
... More geographical location or historical period. Throughout history, food and cuisine have created, combined and separated cultures. People began to travel around the world for various reasons and needs, due to cultural sights, cultural beauties and the like, from which tourism later developed. With the increase in the number of tourists and travel, tourism thus began to develop more and more and turn to their needs. Preservation of national culture or cultural heritage and effective marketing can easily create a recipe for building a unique, profitable and extensive gastronomic tourism. Thanks to modern technology, in today's society there are practically no boundaries. People have access to almost every country in the world, which has led to the global expansion of tourism. There are many different reasons to travel, but curiosity about new culinary experiences is one of the biggest. This thesis explore the components crucial to the efficiency and success of Japanese gastronomic tourism that attracts both domestic and foreign guests. Branding also plays a significant role in promoting a destination. The main goal of this thesis is to show the development of Japanese cuisine in the context of gastronomic tourism. This research can be useful for the advancement and strengthening of the gastronomic sector of tourism in all areas suffering from stagnation or falling traffic. It is based on a theoretical description, analysis of secondary sources and existing literature, written mainly in English. The paper will present concepts such as tourism and gastronomy, explain the concept of Japanese cuisine and focus on the specifics of Japanese gastronomic tourism. The theoretical foundations will be supported by an analysis of the websites Rurubu, Nihon no tabi and Arigato Food Tours Japan, which will be seen into to find similarities and try to explain their subtle impact on the average "consumer". Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:745910
Study programme Title: Japanese language and culture Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica japanskog jezika i kulture (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica japanskog jezika i kulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-12-29 12:41:41