Title Razvoj turizma u Africi
Title (english) Tourism development in Africa
Author Mateja Balja
Mentor Kristina Afrić Rakitovac (mentor)
Committee member Lela Tijanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Afrić Rakitovac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Blažević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2016-03-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Cilj rada je prikazati razvoj turizma Afrike, na kontinentu koji se suočava sa suočava
sa eksternim i internim ograničenjima, a s druge strane obiluje brojnim mogućnostima razvoja
turizma. Analiza u radu usmjerena je na neiskorišteni potencijal razvoja afričkog kontinenta
kao turističke destinacije.
Afrika je destinacija u usponu te ima veliku mogućnost sustići i prestići uspješnije
turističke destinacije na globalnoj razini, što je u radu i prikazano kroz analizu specifičnih
... More navedenog kontinenta i odabranih afričkih turističkih destinacija. Uz trenutnu
nestabilnu političko-ekonomsku situaciju, dugoročno je najveći nedostatak kontinenta
neobrazovanost stanovništva te velika razlika između razvijenosti pojedinih regija.
Nedovoljan razvoj infrastrukture imao je veliki negativni utjecaj na razvoj turizma, kao i na
razvoj država afričkog kontinenta. Afričke države ostvaruju konkurentnost na turističkom
tržištu najvećim dijelom upravo zbog svojih prirodnih ljepota te bogate povijesti i povijesnih
znamenitosti, međutim to nije dovoljno za daljnji razvoj turizma. Upravljanje na održiv način
trebao bi postati prioritet nositelja razvoja turizma. Glavni prioriteti strategija za razvoj
turizma su upravo razvoj prijeko potrebne infrastrukture te razvoj pravnih okvira koji će
olakšati investiranje te otvaranje novih tvrtki, što će ujedno pridonijeti povećanju zaposlenosti
kao i razvoju pojedinih država.
U budućnosti, afrički turizam ima mnogo potencijala, što potvrđuju i previđanja
UNWTO-a. Afrika kao turistička destinacija također nije u mogućnosti ispuniti sve potrebe
suvremenog turista, ali kao što je istaknuto ima i iznimno značajne prilike. Trendovi poput
boravaka u prirodi, razvoj potreba za upoznavanjem prirodnih, neistraženih krajeva te aktivan
odmor tijekom putovanja područja su u kojima Afrika može iznimno dobro konkurirati s
obzirom da je njena priroda netaknuta, bogata je životinjskim i biljnim svijetom te ima velike
predispozicije za organiziranje selektivnih oblika turizma i diferencijaciju od ostalih
turističkih destinacija. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of this work is to show the development of tourism in Africa, that is on the
continent that faces the external and internal constraints, and on the other hand has numerous
possibilities for tourism development. Analysis of the work is focused on the undiscovered
and unused Africaꞌs potential for the development as a tourist destination.
Africa is a destination on the rise and there is a great opportunity to catch up and
overtake the position of the successful tourism
... More destination at a global level, which is shown in
this work trough the analysis of the specific features of this continent and trought the
description of the destinations. Pernament unstable political and economic situation,large
regional disparities represent the important coustraint in future development. Insufficient
development of infrastructure had a major negative impact on the development of tourism, as
well an the development of the countries in the African continent. African states achieve
competitiveness in the tourism market mainly because of its natural beauty and rich history
and historical sites, but it is not sufficient for the further development of tourism.
Management in a sustainable manner should become a priority for holders of tourism
development. The main priorities of the strategy for tourism development are precisely the
development of necessary infrastructure and the development of the legal framework that will
facilitate investment and the creation of new companies, which will also contribute to an
increase in employment and the development of individual countries.
In the future, African tourism has a lot of potential, as confirmed by the predictions of
the UNWTO. Africa as a tourist destination is also not able to fulfill all the needs of the
modern tourists, but as pointed out there are very significant opportunities. Trends like
spending time in nature, the development of the need for exploring natural, undiscovered
areas and active recreation during the trip are the segments in which Africa can compete very
well with respect to its unspoiled nature, richnes in flora and fauna and high predisposition to
offer a variety of and to differentiate from other tourist destinations. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:456599
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-05-30 08:33:40