Title Poslovne primjene hibridne umjetne inteligencije
Title (english) Business applications of hybrid artificial intelligence
Author Alessandra Damijanić
Mentor Vanja Bevanda (mentor)
Committee member Katarina Kostelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Matošević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Business Informatics
Abstract Hibridna umjetna inteligencija se trenutno pokazuje kao jedan od najefikasnijih načina iskorištavanja umjetne inteligencije gdje ljudi i programi rade u sinergiji. U ovom radu je istražen chatbot, kao primjer hibridne umjetne inteligencije. Ciljevi rada su bili istražiti što je chatbot, kako je automatizirao određene radnje u poslovima raznih industrija, kompleksnost same izrade chatbota te koje zadaće može preuzeti od projektnih menadžera u digitalnom marketingu. Navedeni ciljevi su postignuti time što se u radu:
• Prikazala chatbotova povijest, njegova svrha i koje sve vrste postoje
• Izdvojile su se bitne chatbotove značajke koje su automatizirale određene radnje u pojedinim industrijama te navedeni su primjeri chatbota koji se koriste u svakodnevnim poslovima
• Definiralo koji su koraci koje kompanije trebaju provesti prilikom uvođenja chatbota kako bi njegova svrha i strategija bila jasno definirana i pokazala se kao dobra investicija
• Analiziralo koje su svakodnevne zadaće projektnih menadžera u digitalnom marketingu te usporedilo koje aktivnosti chatbot može preuzeti kako bi iste bile uspješno odrađene.
Metoda dedukcije, metoda indukcije, metoda kauzalnog zaključivanja, povijesna metoda, metoda analize i metoda sinteze, metoda apstrakcije, praktično iskustvo, metoda generalizacije i metoda deskriptivnog modeliranja su se koristili kako bi se zadani ciljevi postigli. Navedenim metodama je i obrađena hipoteza rada čiji zaključak je da chatbot ne bi bio dobra zamjena za projektnog menadžera kako mu nedostaje međuljudskih vještinama koje su ključne u uspješnom obavljanju tom posla. Svaka od potrebnih vještinama je opisana na svakodnevnim primjerima s kojima se menadžeri susreću te analizirano je koliko bi tehnologija chatbota mogla pomoći i na koji način. U radu su također obrađene povratne informacije korisnika platforme Gartner na chatbot platforme i aplikacije koje koriste u svakodnevnom radu. Rad završava prikazom mogućih napredaka u značajkama chatbota. Naime činjenica je da chatbot ima još mnogo prostora napretku te će njegova uloga u poslovanjima postati sve bitnija iako će još dugo vremena ovisiti o ljudskoj potpori.
Abstract (english) Hybrid artificial intelligence is currently one of the most efficient ways of using artificial intelligence where people and software work in synergy. The focus of this paper is researching the chatbot, as an example of hybrid artificial intelligence. The goals of this paper were to research what a chatbot is, how did it automatize certain activities in jobs across various industries, the level of complexity of developing a chatbot and what tasks can it take over from project managers in digital marketing. The mentioned goals were achieved through:
• Describing the chatbot's history, its purpose and what types exist
• Highlighting chatbot features that automatize certain activities in different industries and mentioning examples of chatbots that are used in day-to-day work
• Defining what steps do companies need to take when implementing a chatbot so that its purpose and strategy is well defined and proven to be a good investment
• Analyzing what are the daily tasks of project managers in digital marketing and comparing what activities can chatbots take over so that these are successfully completed.
To achieve above-mentioned goals, the methods of deduction and induction, causal reasoning method, historical method, analysis method and synthesis method, abstraction method, practical experience, generalization method and descriptive modeling method were used. Using these methods, the main hypothesis of this paper was tested that came to the conclusion that a chatbot could not be a fit replacement for a project manager as it is missing people skills that are key to successfully perform in this job. Each of the necessary skills is described through daily scenarios that project managers interfere with. For each of these, it is analyzed how the chatbot technology could be of use. This paper also analyzes consumer feedback from the Gartner platform on chatbot platforms and applications that they are using in their day-to-day work. The paper is concluded with a list of expected upgrades on chatbot's features. It is a fact that chatbots still have room for improvement and that its role in business will become more important over time, but it will still dependent on human support.
hibridna umjetna inteligencija
projektni menadžment
chatbot u poslovanju
Keywords (english)
hybrid artificial intelligence
project management
chatbot in business
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:020374
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Informatics Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-21 06:56:45