Abstract | Grčka se, za razliku od drugih područja, relativno brzo razvijala. Bila je to prva civilizacija koja je oslobodila i emancipirala znanstveno mišljenje od religije i podredila ga praktičnim zadacima. Svojim utjecajem na mnoga područja od obrazovanja, politike i zakonodavstva do filozofije, znanosti i umjetnosti. Rimska filozofija, uostalom kao i umjetnost i književnost, razvijala se po ugledu na grčku. U zadnjem helenističkom razdoblju dogodile su se promjene u filozofiji koje su u povezanosti s jačanjem Rimskog Carstva.
Iako se razvijala po ugledu na grčku filozofiju, filozofiju starog Rima nije previše zanimalo funkcioniranje prirode, znatno više se bavila životom i prevladavanjem nedaća kombinirajući religiju, fiziku, logiku i etiku. U rimskoj filozofiji značajan utjecaj platonizma razložio se u tri dijela. Na epikurejstvo, skepticizam i stoicizam iz čega su nastale istoimene filozofske škole. U svakoj od njih glavna tema filozofiranja je ideal mudraca dok se istinski život pokušao definirati ovisno o pripadnosti filozofskoj školi.
Za Epikura filozofija je razumna težnja za srećom. Filozofska škola u Rimu našla je značajnoga popularizatora u Lukreciju koji je odbacio mnoge religiozne i socijalne predrasude vremena i odlučno branio filozofiju svojega učitelja Epikura. Te kao Ciceron koji je imao jedan od velikih utjecaja na rimsku školu filozofskim spisima.
Stoicizam je odigrao ključnu ulogu u povijesti filozofske misli. Usmjerenost filozofskog pravca stoicizma, naročito u razdoblju rimskog stoicizma su etička pitanja čiji temelji počivaju u prevladavanju razuma nad strastima i emocijama. Za stoika etički je ideal postati i biti mudar. Najvažniji mislioci razdoblja mladog rimskog stoicizma su: Seneka, Epiktet i Marko Aurelije.
Skepticizam smatra kako se sve naše znanje zasniva na opažanju, stoga je ono subjektivno i relativno, pa samim time nesigurno i neistinito. Filozofi Enesidem iz Knossosa Agrippa, Sextus Empiricus bili su skeptici antičkog Rima s temeljnom filozofskom tezom da je spoznaja, ni manje ni više nego nemoguća.
Antička filozofija završava neoplatonizmom te je neoplatonizam bio najznačajnija filozofska škola u kasnom Carstvu. |
Abstract (english) | Greece, unlike other areas, developed relatively quickly. It was the first civilization to liberate and emancipate scientific thought from religion and subordinate it to practical tasks. By its influence in many fields from education, politics and legislation to philosophy, science and art. Roman philosophy, after all, like art and literature, developed in the image of Greece. In the last Hellenistic period, there were changes in philosophy that were related to the strengthening of the Roman Empire. Although it developed on the model of Greek philosophy, the philosophy of ancient Rome was not too interested in the functioning of nature, it was much more concerned with life and overcoming adversity by combining religion, physics, logic and ethics. In Roman philosophy, the significant influence of Platonism was broken down into three parts. On Epicureanism, skepticism and stoicism from which the philosophical schools of the same name arose. In each of them the main theme of philosophizing is the ideal of the sages while true life has been tried to be defined depending on belonging to the philosophical school. For Epicurus, philosophy is a reasonable pursuit of happiness. The School of Philosophy in Rome found a significant popularizer in Lucretius who rejected many of the religious and social prejudices of the time and resolutely defended the philosophy of his teacher Epicurus. And as Cicero who had one of the great influences on the Roman school of philosophical writings. Stoicism has played a key role in the history of philosophical thought. The orientation of the philosophical direction of Stoicism, especially in the period of Roman Stoicism, are ethical issues whose foundations rest in the predominance of reason over passions and emotions. For the Stoics, the ethical ideal is to become and be wise. The most important thinkers of the period of young Roman Stoicism are: Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. Skepticism believes that all our knowledge is based on perception, so it is subjective and relative, and therefore uncertain and untrue. The philosophers Enesidem of Knossos Agrippa, Sextus Empiricus, were skeptics of ancient Rome with the fundamental philosophical thesis that cognition is no less and no more than impossible. Ancient philosophy ends with Neoplatonism and Neoplatonism was the most important philosophical school in the late Empire. |