Title Demografija smrtnosti i kultura smrti na Barbanštini 1909. - 1918.
Title (english) Demography of Mortality and the Culture of Death on Barban Area (1909 - 1918)
Author Slavica Porubić Kukal
Mentor Iva Milovan Delić (mentor)
Mentor Mirela Altić (sumentor)
Committee member Igor Duda (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Milovan Delić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirela Altić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tina Filipović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2021-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract Demografija smrtnosti i kultura smrti na Barbanštini 1909.–1918.
Nakon povijesnog upoznavanja s gradićem Barbanom i Barbanštinom, u radu slijedi prijelaz na demografiju smrtnosti imenovanog područja te kulturu smrti. Analiza matičnih knjiga umrlih Barbanštine rezultirala je prikazom ukupnog broja umrlih kroz godine i mjesece 1909.-1918. Ujedno je prikazana usporedba dva razdoblja, mirnodopskog (1909.-1913.) s ratnim godinama (1914.-1918). Analizom su utvrđene spolne i dobne strukture
... More preminulih, pogotovo fertilne i starije dobi te s naglaskom na dojenačku dob kao pokazatelja socioekonomskih prilika i životnog standarda određene zajednice, u ovom slučaju mikro sredine. Obrađeni su svi uzroci smrti i istaknuti najprisutniji, ali i svi ostali, pružajući podatak od kojih bolesti i simptoma je umiralo stanovništvo na području Barbanštine. Oni su ključ najveće i najmanje smrtnosti, osobito u godinama prisilne evakuacije, gladi, suše te epidemije španjolske gripe. Naglasak je na tuberkulozi kao svevremenoj bolesti. Ako se izuzme slabost kao uzrok s najvećom smrtnosti kod dojenčadi, smrtnost od tuberkuloze najveća je kroz istraživano razdoblje i prisutna u svakoj životnoj dobi, slijedi je upala pluća te astma, što upućuje na veliku prisutnost respiratornih uzroka smrti. Istraživanje španjolske gripe kao uzroka smrti s kratkim vremenskim trajanjem pandemijskog širenja u drugoj polovici 1918. rezultiralo je zaključkom da je u ona u toj godini smrtonosnija od ostalih uzroka. Na same uzroke nadovezuje se usmena predaja povezana s kulturom smrti, pogrebima i pogrebnim običajima. Kazivači/ce su svojim sjećanjem u rad utkali/le usmenu predaju (građu) njihovih roditelja i starijih. Na kraju, da se ne zaboravi, izdvojen je popis poginulih vojnika u Prvom svjetskom ratu s područja Barbanštine, a Popis se ne nalazi u matičnim knjigama umrlih Župe Barban, već u Popisu gubitaka (1914-1919.) odnosno u Verlustliste, glavnog urednika D. Krmca i urednika R. Matijašića. Less
Abstract (english) Demography of mortality and culture of death in Barban region 1909.-1918.
After a historical introduction with town of Barban and the Barban region, this thesis is followed by a transition to the mortality demographics of the named area and a culture of death. Analysis of the death registers of the Barban region resulted in a presentation of the total number of deaths through the years and months 1909. to 1918. At the same time, a comparison of the two periods is shown, peacetime
... More (1909.-1913.) with the war years (1914.-1918.) They were determined by analysis of gender and age structures of the deceased, especially fertile and elderly, and with an emphasis on infancy as an indicator of socioeconomic opportunities and living standard of certain communities, in this case micro environments. All causes of death have been addressed and most present are highlighted, but also all the others, providing information on which diseases and symptoms population was dying from in the Barban area. These are the key to the highest and lowest mortality, especially in the years of forced evacuation, famine, drought, and the Spanish flu epidemic. Emphasis is on tuberculosis as all-time disease. If frailty is excluded as the cause with the highest infant mortality, mortality from tuberculosis is highest through researched period and present at every age, followed by pneumonia and asthma, which indicates the large presence of respiratory causes of death. Research of Spanish flu as a cause of death with a short duration of pandemic spread in the second half of 1918. resulted in the conclusion that in that year this was more deadly than all the other causes. On causes themselves a verbal tradition is associated with the culture of death, funerals and funeral customs. The narrators used their memory to weave oral tradition into the work (material) of their parents and elders. In the end, so it is not forgotten, a list of fallen soldiers in World War II from Barban region has been isolated, and The List is not found in the registers of the deceased of the Parish of Barban, but in The List of losses (1914-1919.), that is in Verlusliste by editor-in-chief D. Krmac and editor R. Matijašić. Less
Ključne riječi: Barban i Barbanština
matične knjige umrlih 1909.-1918. župe Barban
demografija smrtnosti
kultura smrti Barbanštine
pogrebni običaji Barbanštine
Verlustliste ili Popis gubitaka.
Keywords (english)
Keywords: Barban and Barban region
registers of the deceased of the Parish of Barban in 1909-1918.
demography of mortality
the culture of death of the Barban region
the funeral customs of the Barban region
the Verlustlist or The List of losses.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:135397
Study programme Title: History Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti (magistar/magistra povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-10-11 14:01:50