Abstract | Montessori metoda je konstruktivistička pedagoška metoda utemeljena na znanstvenom opažanju talijanske liječnice i pedagoginje Marije Montessori, a naglasak stavlja na poštivanje djeteta i njegove autonomije, njegov pshihofizički, socijalni i moralni razvoj, odnosno vjeru da dijete ima kapacitet i potrebu za učenjem. Metoda je tako koncipirana da se, uz pomoć posebno pripremljene okoline i didaktičkih materijala,djetetu omogućava sloboda unutar granica (sloboda pokreta, sloboda izbora, ali i sloboda da griješi, komunicira i izražava se, neometano radi i slijedi svoje interese) čime se potiče samostalnost djeteta, njegov samorazvoj i samopoučavanje. Montessori metoda postavlja dijete u centar učenja i konstrukcije znanja, ali smatra da je svako dijete individua za sebe, sa svojim specifičnim iskustvima, interesima, načinom promatranja svijeta. Uz pomoć odrasle osobe (odgojitelja), dijete svoje znanje gradi kroz iskustvo, kroz rad, kroz ruke, kroz osjetila, povezujući usvojene koncepte razvija svoju samostalnost, ali i samodisciplinu. U Montessori edukaciji nema nagrada niti kazni, jer dijete ima jaku unutarnju motivaciju za rad i postizanje cilja. Dijete uči svojim tempom i iz svog interesa. Učenje i poučavanje organizirano je kao proces, kao suradnja između djeteta i odgojitelja, ali i djeteta i njegovih kolega, a temelji se na djetetovim prijašnjim iskustvima, mogućnostima i zrelosti, i odvija se kroz vrlo aktivan način rada u kojem dijete stječe nova znanja kroz propitivanje, istraživanje, samorefleksiju, traženje rješenja. Takav način učenja potiče kako konvergentan, tako i divergentan način razmišljanja,maštu i kreativnost, kritičko mišljenje, suradnju i komunikaciju, a ne puko zapamćivanje činjenica. |
Abstract (english) | The Montessori method is a constructivist pedagogical approach based on the scientific observation of Italian doctor and pedagogue Maria Montessori, which emphasizes respect for the child and his autonomy, his psychophysical, social and moral development, and believes that the child has the capacity and need to learn. The method is designed so that, with the help of the specially prepared environment and didactic materials, the child is given freedom within limits (freedom of movement, freedom of choice, but also freedom to make mistakes, communicate and express themselves, work freely and follow their interests) which encourages independence the child, their self-development and self-teaching. The Montessori method places the child at the centre of learning and the construction of knowledge, but considers that each child is an individual, with their own specific experiences, interests, way of observing the world. With the help of an adult (educator), the child builds his knowledge through experience, through work, through hands, through the senses, connecting the absorbed concepts, develops his independence, but also self-discipline. There are no rewards nor punishments in Montessori education because the child has a strong intrinsic motivation to work and achieve a goal. The child learns at his own pace and from his own interest. Learning and teaching is organized as a process, as a cooperation between the child and the educator, but also the child and his colleagues, and is based on the child's previous experiences, abilities and maturity, and takes place through a very active way in which the child acquires new knowledge through questioning, research, self- reflection, search for solutions. Such a way of learning encourages both convergent and divergent ways of thinking, imagination and creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication, rather than mere memorization of facts. |