Title Jezik Šenoina romana "Zlatarovo zlato"
Author Antonela Puljić
Mentor Lina Pliško (mentor)
Committee member Blaženka Martinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lina Pliško (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Teodora Fonović Cvijanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2021-12-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract U radu analiziramo jezik romana Zlatarovo Zlato Augusta Šenoe koji je objavljen 1871. godine. To je vrijeme kad djeluju jezikoslovci zagrebačke filološke škole i kad se osjeća sve veći utjecaj škole hrvatskih vukovaca čija će gramatička promišljanja koncem 19. stoljeća uzeti primat. U prvome dijelu rada prikazujemo hrvatsku jezičnu sliku 19. stoljeća; djelovanje iliraca i filoloških škola. U drugome dijelu pozornost posvećujemo životu i djelu Augusta Šenoe čiji je rad obilježio cijelo jedno
... More razdoblje koje nazivamo Šenoino doba i/ili protorealizam. U središnjem dijelu rada analiziramo jezik romana Zlatarovo zlato, najprije na pravopisnoj ravni, zatim slijedi fonološka, morfološka te djelomice sintaktička i leksička analiza. Jezik promatramo u kontekstu gramatičkih i pravopisnih rješenja zagrebačke filološke škole te nekih rješenja škole hrvatskih vukovaca. Zaključujemo da je jezik romana pretežito napisan u skladu rješenja zagrebačke filološke škole, to nam potvrđuje morfonološki pravopis, pisanje refleksa jata kao ie i je, genitivni nastavak -ah u imenica, nesinkretizirani nastavci u dativu, lokativu i instrumentalu množine imenica kao i sintaktičke osobitosti poput pisanja proti + dativ i slavenski genitiv, upotreba prijedloga k u dativu cilja, usmjerenosti glagolske radnje i pravcu kretanja... U nekim je primjerima vidljivo i Šenoino udaljavanje od tih rješenja: npr. pisanje slogotvornog r bez popratnih samoglasnika, kolebanje u pisanju primjera poput srce i otac i srdce i otca. (44; 92). Less
Abstract (english) In this paper, we analyze the language of the novel The Goldsmith's Gold by Augusta Šenoa, which was published in 1871. This is the time when the linguists of the Zagreb Philological School are active and when the growing influence of the school of Croatian Vukovaca is felt, whose grammatical reflections will take precedence at the end of the 19th century. In the first part of the paper we present the Croatian language picture of the 19th century; the activities of the Illyrians and
... More philological schools. In the second part, we pay attention to the life and work of August Šenoa, whose work marked an entire period that we call Šenoa's time and / or protorealism. In the central part of the paper we analyze the language of the novel Goldsmith's Gold, first on the orthographic level, followed by phonological, morphological and partly syntactic and lexical analysis. We observe the language in the context of grammatical and orthographic solutions of the Zagreb Philological School and some solutions of the Croatian Vukovac School. We conclude that the language of the novel is mostly written in accordance with the solution of the Zagreb School of Philology, which is confirmed by morphological spelling, writing the refleks jata is ie and je, genitive suffix -ah in nouns, unsyncretized suffixes in dative, locative and instrumental plural nouns and syntactic features such as writing proti + dative and Slavic genitive, use of preposition to the dative of the goal, direction of verb action and direction of movement... In some examples, Šenoa's departure from these solutions is visible: and srce and otac. (44; 92). Less
hrvatski jezik 19. stoljeća
zagrebačka filološka škola
škola hrvatskih vukovaca
August Šenoa
Zlatarovo zlato
Keywords (english)
19th century Croatian language
Zagreb philological school
school of Croatian Vukovaca
August Šenoa
Goldsmith's gold
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:642315
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-01-07 13:11:20