Abstract | Žene igraju važnu ulogu u turizmu. Sveukupno, one predstavljaju većinu turističkih djelatnika. Dok žene često posjeduju i upravljaju vlastitim turističkim poduzećima, manje su zastupljene na rukovodećim pozicijama. Razlika u plaćama među spolovima postoji u turističkom sektoru, jer žene za jednaki rad zarađuju manje od muškaraca. Iako žene većinom imaju formalno turističko obrazovanje, njima uglavnom nedostaje trening vještina potreban da bi se osiguralo napredovanje u karijeri. Nedostatak obrazovanja ili formalne obuke ugrožava aktivno sudjelovanje žena u turizmu. Prema podatcima iz 2018. godini žene predstavljaju veliki dio turističke radne snage (54%), međutim i dalje su zaposlene na nižim pozicijama. To znači da, iako je sudjelovanje žena u turizmu značajno, ukupna kvaliteta njihovog sudjelovanja i dalje je loša.
Ženskim radom u turizmu dominiraju neformalnost kroz visoku fluktuaciju osoblja, dugo radno vrijeme, podugovaranje, fleksibilni radni uvjeti, sezonski posao. Ženski rad koncentriran je u sezonskim, honorarnim i slabo plaćenim poslovima, poput maloprodaje, ugostiteljstva i čišćenja kako u velikim hotelskim lancima tako i u manjim hotelima i obiteljskim poduzećima
Turizam kao sektor ženama nudi velike mogućnosti za poduzetništvo koje ne zahtijevaju veliko financiranje. Međutim, žene i dalje imaju izazove zbog ograničenog ili nikakvog pristupa financijama i tržištu za pokretanje ili rast turističkog poslovanja. Žensko poduzetništvo sprječava i nedostatak pristupa tehnologiji, informacijama, poslovnim vještinama, obrazovanju i osposobljavanju. Žene poduzetnice suočavaju se s mnogim preprekama. Prva prepreka je biti žena. Drugo je vrsta poslovanja povezana s restoranima ili tvrtkama koje nude mogućnost susreta s mnogim ljudima. Treće je kada žene žele razviti svoje poduzeća u mjestima u kojima dominiraju velika međunarodna turistička poduzeća.
U Europi je 53% žena zaposleno u turizmu. Iako su dobro zastupljene kao radnice u turizmu, nemaju najbolje poslove, prihode, ali ni položaje. Žene u Europi su najvećim dijelom zastupljene na slabo plaćenim poslovima sa slabim vještinama. U Španjolskoj, na primjer, zaposlenost u turizmu na izvršnoj i upravljačkoj razini uglavnom zauzimaju
muškarci, koji imaju više srednje obrazovanje i iskustvo između 10 i 20 godina. Suprotno tome, žene u Španjolskoj imaju tendenciju da im radna mjesta održavaju društvene stereotipe -- na primjer, korisničke usluge, čišćenje, recepcija, administrativni poslovi, itd.
Turizam je treći najveći socijalno--ekonomski sektor u EU. Istraživanja pokazuju da je turizam postao jedan od glavnih generatora dohotka u razvijenim zemljama i zemljama u razvoju, s obujmom poslovanja koji je jednak ili veći od izvoza nafte, prehrambenih proizvoda ili automobilske industrije. Svjetska turistička organizacija Ujedinjenih naroda (UNWTO) procjenjuje utjecaj turizma na svjetsku ekonomiju kao 9% svjetskog bruto domaćeg proizvoda (BDP).
Europa, turizam i žene napreduju iz godine u godinu. Sve je više ljudi, inicijativa i borbe za ravnopravnost spolova. Osvijestiti ljude da žene više nisu „slabiji” spol, da ženi nije mjesto u kuhinji i da žena nije samo za kućanske poslove, poprilično je težak posao s obzirom da se još od davnih vremena muškarac smatra jačim, pametnijim i uspješnijim. Borba za ravnopravnost spolova, nažalost će trajati još godinama. |
Abstract (english) | Women play an important role in tourism. Overall, they represent the majority of tourism workers. While women often own and manage their own tourism businesses, they are less represented in management positions. There is a gender pay gap in the tourism sector because women earn less than men for equal work. Although women mostly have a formal tourism education, they generally lack the training skills needed to ensure career advancement. Lack of education or formal training jeopardizes the active participation of women in tourism. According to data from 2018, women represent a large part of the tourism workforce (54%), however, they are still employed in lower positions. This means that, although women's participation in tourism is significant, the overall quality of their participation remains poor.
Women's work in tourism is dominated by informality through high staff turnover, long working hours, subcontracting, flexible working conditions, seasonal work. Women's work is concentrated in seasonal, part time and low paid jobs, such as retail, catering and cleaning, both in large hotel chains and in smaller hotels and family businesses.
Tourism as a sector offers women great opportunities for entrepreneurship that do not require much funding. However, women continue to face challenges due to limited or no access to finance and the market for starting or growing a tourism business. Women's entrepreneurship also prevents the lack of access to technology, information, business skills, education and training. Women entrepreneurs face many obstacles. The first obstacle is to be a woman. The second is the type of business associated with restaurants or companies that offer the opportunity to meet many people. The third is when women want to develop their businesses in places dominated by large international tourism companies.
In Europe, 53% of women are employed in tourism. Although they are well represented as workers in tourism, they do not have the best jobs, income, but also positions. Women in Europe are mostly represented in low paid jobs with poor skills. In Spain, for example, employment in tourism at the executive and management levels is mainly occupied by men, who have more secondary education and experience between
10 and 20 years. In contrast, women in Spain tend to have their jobs maintained by social stereotypes -- for example, customer service, cleaning, reception, administrative work, etc.
Tourism is the third largest socio--economic sector in the EU. Research shows that tourism has become one of the main generators of income in developed and developing countries, with a volume of business equal to or greater than exports of oil, food products or the automotive industry. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) estimates the impact of tourism on the world economy as 9% of world gross domestic product (GDP).
Europe, tourism and women are advancing year after year. There are more and more people, initiatives and struggles for gender equality. Awareness of women that women are no longer the "weaker" sex, that a woman has no place in the kitchen and that a woman is not just for household chores is quite a difficult job given that since ancient times a man is considered stronger, smarter and more successful. The struggle will continue for years to come, until women and men are equalized and where all the rights of men belong equally to women. |
Study programme | Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije) |