Author Lara Ljubenović
Mentor Dragan Benazić (mentor)
Committee member Erik Ružić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Križman Pavlović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2022-07-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Razvoj novog proizvoda je jedan od potprocesa menadžmenta inovacija koji omogućava sve uvjete potrebne za uspješni razvitak novog proizvoda. Procesi razvoja proizvoda ovise o poduzeću, industriji, vrsti proizvoda i vrsti inovacije. Potrebno je uložiti vrijeme u pažljivo planiranje i kreiranje strategije uvođenja novog proizvoda koordinacijom svih odjela u poduzeću. Poželjno je da poduzeće uključi kupce u cijeli proces kako bi proizvod postao atraktivan i istaknuo se na zasićenom tržištu ponude. Proces razvoja novog proizvoda može se podijeliti u osam glavnih faza. Osam glavnih faza u procesu donošenja odluke o razvoju novog proizvoda uključuje: generiranje ideja, probiranje ideja, razvoj i testiranje koncepata, razvoj marketinške strategije, poslovnu analizu, razvoj proizvoda, tržišno testiranje i komercijalizaciju. Navedeni proces predstavlja teorijski pristup, odnosno početnu točku ukoliko se poduzeće odluči na razvoj novog proizvoda. Nije potrebno striktno se držati svih faza, već svatko prilagođava proces vlastitim potrebama. Poduzeće Valamar Riviera d.d. je u svoj postojeći portfelj odlučilo uvesti novi brend [PLACES] usmjeren na potpuno novi segment gostiju. Glavna ciljana skupina jesu milenijalci sa zapadnoeuropskoga tržišta veće platežne moći. Naglasak novog brenda stavljen je na autentično iskustvo, digitalne nomade, personalizaciju, ekološku održivost i upoznavanje s mediteranskim stilom života. Prvi Valamarov hotel pod novim lifestyle brendom [PLACES] otvoren je na otoku Hvaru pod nazivom HVAR [PLACESHOTEL] by Valamar. Hvar ima bogatu povijest, tradiciju, kulturne i prirodne spomenike, raskošnu mediteransku prirodu, ali i noćni život. Gost na taj način upoznaje tajne destinacije i postaje [PLACES] INSIDER, jedan od nas. Također, osoblje ima originalno dizajnirane uniforme i kreativne nazive zanimanja. Hotel je dizajniran u minimalističkom beach-chic stilu korištenjem prirodnih organskih materijala i boja. Slogan brenda [PLACES] glasi “BE ONE WITH THE DESTINATION” koji komunicira stapanje s lokacijom jer posjetitelj postaje jedno s mjestom, običajima i ljudima. Time se naglašava kako posjetitelj nije običan gost, već dio destinacije. Brend [PLACES] se prema cijeni boravka gosta nalazi u sredini cijelog portfelja. Kako bi se usluga u hotelu objedinila i pružila maksimalna jednostavnost boravka gostiju, kreirana je aplikacija [PLACES] by Valamar. Početkom ožujka 2021. godine napravljena je nova web stranica u sklopu službene stranice Valamara na kojoj je javnost mogla pročitati sve informacije vezane uz uvođenje brenda [PLACES] by Valamar. Valamar se novim brendom definitivno istaknuo među konkurentima zbog pomno razrađene ideje i praćenja najnovijih trendova u hotelijerstvu. Zbog značajnog uspjeha hotela na Hvaru započelo je razmatranje i realizacija dodavanja novih usluga i proširenja brenda na nove destinacije. Tako je otvoren [PLACES] hotel u Makarskoj početkom lipnja 2022. godine pod nazivom Dalmacija [PLACESHOTEL] by Valamar. Poduzeće Valamar Riviera d.d. je iskoristilo teorijski pristup razvoja novog proizvoda i uspješno ga prilagodilo svojim potrebama kreiranja jedinstvene usluge smještaja.
Abstract (english) New product development is one of the innovation management sub-processes that provides all the conditions necessary for the successful development of a new product. Product development processes depend on the company, industry, product type and type of innovation. It is necessary to invest time in careful planning and creating a strategy for introducing a new product by coordinating all departments in the company. It is desirable for the company to involve customers in the whole process in order to make the product attractive and stand out in a saturated supply market. The process of developing a new product can be divided into eight main stages. The eight main stages in the decision-making process for new product development include: generating ideas, selecting ideas, developing and testing concepts, developing marketing strategy, business analysis, product development, market testing, and commercialization. This process is a theoretical approach, or starting point if the company decides to develop a new product. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to all stages, but everyone adapts the process to their own needs. Valamar Riviera d.d. has decided to introduce a new brand [PLACES] in its existing portfolio aimed at a completely new segment of guests. The main target group is millennials from the Western European market with higher purchasing power. The emphasis of the new brand is placed on authentic experience, digital nomads, personalization, environmental sustainability and introduction to the Mediterranean lifestyle. The first Valamar hotel under the new lifestyle brand [PLACES] was opened on the island of Hvar under the name HVAR [PLACESHOTEL] by Valamar. Hvar has a rich history, tradition, cultural and natural monuments, lush Mediterranean nature, but also nightlife. The guest thus learns the secret destinations and becomes [PLACES] INSIDER, one of us. Also, the staff has originally designed uniforms and creative profession names. The hotel is designed in a minimalist beach-chic style using natural organic materials and colors. The brand's slogan [PLACES] is "BE ONE WITH THE DESTINATION" which communicates merging with the location as the visitor becomes one with the place, customs and people. This emphasizes that the visitor is not an ordinary guest, but part of the destination. According to the price of the guest's stay, the [PLACES] brand is in the middle of the entire portfolio. In order to unify the service in the hotel and provide maximum ease of stay of guests, the application [PLACES] by Valamar was created. At the beginning of March 2021, a new website was created within the Valamar official website, where the public could read all the information related to the introduction of the [PLACES] brand by Valamar. With the new brand, Valamar definitely stood out among its competitors due to its carefully developed idea and following the latest trends in the hotel industry. Due to the significant success of the hotel on Hvar, the consideration and realization of adding new services and expanding the brand to new destinations has begun. Thus, the [PLACES] hotel in Makarska was opened at the beginning of June 2022 under the name Dalmatia [PLACESHOTEL] by Valamar. Valamar Riviera d.d. has used the theoretical approach of new product development and successfully adapted it to its needs of creating a unique accommodation service.
Razvoj novog proizvoda
Valamar Riviera d.d.
brend [PLACES] by Valamar
Keywords (english)
New product development
Valamar Riviera d.d.
brand [PLACES] by Valamar
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:099966
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Finance, Economics, Financial Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Marketing Management, Business Informatics, Tourism; specializations in: Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Business Informatics, Financial Management, Informatics Management Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-25 19:45:03