Title Suvremeni obiteljski odgoj
Title (english) Contemporary family upbringing
Author Eva Kadlec
Mentor Fulvio Šuran (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Fulvio Šuran (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Riman (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract Odgoj označava aktivnost i utjecaj različitih društvenih čimbenika, putem kojih se razvija ličnost. Obiteljski odgoj je temelj društvenog odgoja iz razloga što se dijete s njime najprije susreće i ostvaruje prve socijalizacije. Obitelj i odgoj unutar nje tokom povijesti je bio izložen mnogim promjenama, stoga su suvremeno roditeljstvo i odgoj prožeti gospodarskim, socijalnim i moralnim aspektima suvremenog društva. Liberalizam, kao dominirajuća vrijednost u posljednjih nekoliko proizveo je kulturu i filozofiju individualizma, što je donijelo veće mogućnosti slobode izbora u smislu načina života. Također došlo je do izjednačavanja uloge muškarca i žene, čime su se promijenili i partnerski odnosi unutar obitelji. Sve navedeno odrazilo se na odgojne mogućnosti obitelji te na samu prirodu odgoja. Suvremenim obiteljima dominiraju potrebe zadovoljavanje osobnih interesa i želja, te odrasli muškarci i žene sve više teže materijalnom blagostanju i profesionalnoj karijeri na štetu tradicionalnih vrijednosti i zajedničkom životu. Postmoderno vrijeme nudi mnogo blagodati u odgoju, ali i uzima svoj danak. Danas je, više nego ikad, teško pronaći ispravan put u odgojnim procesima. Obitelji se suočavaju s velikim izazovima, kao što su utjecaji medija, populističkih odgojnih metoda i teorija kojima se nastoji stvoriti idealno okruženje u kojem će se razvijati dijete. Sve to u mnogočemu zbunjuje roditelje i čini ih frustriranima u odgojnim nastojanjima te u pronalasku najboljeg rješenja u formiranju ličnosti svojeg djeteta. Pritom se često zaboravlja da dijete samo traži sigurnost, toplinu doma, ljubav, pažnju i podršku odraslih.
Abstract (english) Education means the activity and influence of various social factors, through which the personality develops. Family education is the foundation of social education because it is the child first encounters and achieves the first socializations in the family. The family and upbringing within it have been subject to many changes throughout history, so modern parenting and upbringing are imbued with the economic, social and moral aspects of modern society. Liberalism, as the dominant value in the last few has produced a culture and philosophy of individualism, which has brought greater opportunities for freedom of choice in terms of way of life. There has also been an equalization of the roles of men and women, which has also changed partnerships within the family. All of the above reflected on the educational possibilities of the family and on the very nature of upbringing. Modern families are dominated by the need to satisfy personal interests and desires, and adult men and women are increasingly striving for material well-being and professional careers at the expense of traditional values and living together. Postmodern time offers many benefits in upbringing, but it also takes its tribute. Today, more than ever, it is difficult to find the right path in educational processes. Families face major challenges, such as the influence of the media, populist parenting methods, and theories that seek to create an ideal environment in which to develop a child. All of this in many ways confuses parents and makes them frustrated in their educational endeavors in finding the best solutions in shaping their child’s personality. At the same time, it is often forgotten that a child only seeks security, warmth at home, love, attention and support from adults.
suvremeno društvo
Keywords (english)
modern society
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:521827
Study programme Title: Preschool Education Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-01-23 09:21:38