Title Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj. Poetica e impegno nelle riviste letterarie italiane
Title (english) Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj. Poetics and engagement in periodicals of the Italian literary circle
Title (croatian) Vittora Aganoor Pompilj. Poetika i angažman u časopisima talijanskog književnog kruga
Author Marika Boljunčić
Mentor Tanja Habrle (mentor)
Committee member Roberta Matković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Habrle (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Damiani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract U ovom radu obradili smo i istražili spisateljicu i novinarku 19. stoljeća Vittoriju Aganoor Pompilj te primjere drugih autorica koje su pisale za vrijeme romantizma i realizma. Uvodni dio sadrži povijesni i knjiženi kontekst te kratki uvod u važnost knjiženih i ženskih časopisa krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. Analizirajući druge autorice, suvremenice spisateljice Aganoor, saznajemo više o njihovoj važnosti i doprinosu talijanskoj književnosti te o povijesnim prekretnicama i ženama koje su ih ostvarile. Glavna tema ovog rada je talijanska spisateljica i novinarka Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj, njen život, stil pisanja i poetika, analiza i prijevod njezinih pjesama i angažman u književnim talijanskim časopisima. Putem analize obitelji, života i osoba u životu autorice Aganoor, saznajemo izvore njene inspiracije, njen cilj u životu i što je utjecalo na njeno književno stvaralaštvo. Prevođenjem i detaljnom analizom njenih pjesama, istražili smo poetiku i stil kojem je spisateljica težila. Njenu aktivnost u časopisima talijanskog književnog kruga detaljno smo analizirali te vidjeli važnost njenih djela. Iako je spisateljica težila obiteljskom životu, uvelike doprinijela talijanskoj književnosti. Prve pjesme objavila je u drugoj polovici svog života i bila je inspiracija mladim spisateljima armenske manjine i ženama. Njene pjesme objavljene u časopisima pričale su o ljubavi, osjećajima, pejzažima i o politici. Bila je jedna od prvih žena koja nije koristila pseudonim i svaka njena publikacija bila je pohvaljena sa strane književnih kritičara. Usporedili smo aktivnost spisateljice s važnim događajima u njenom životu i usporedili aktivnost kroz godine. Nakon njene smrti objavljeni su mnogi nekrolozi u poznatima ženskim i književnim časopisima s kojim je Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj surađivala gdje je opisana njena važnost i doprinos književnosti.
Abstract (english) In this paper, we researched the writer and journalist 19th century Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj and other female authors who wrote during the period of romanticism and realism. The introductory part contains the historical and literary context and a short introduction to the importance of literary and women's magazines at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. By analyzing other female authors, contemporary with the writer Aganoor, we learn more about their importance and contribution to Italian literature and about the historical milestones and women who achieved them. The main topic of this work is the Italian writer and journalist Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj, her life, style of writing and poetics, analysis and translation of her poems, and her engagement in Italian literary magazines. Through the analysis of the family, life, and people in the life of the author Aganoor, we learn the sources of her inspiration, her goal in life, and what influenced her literary creation. By translating and analyzing her poems in detail, we explored the poetics and style that the writer aspired to and introduced research on her engagement in literary magazines. We analyzed her activity in the magazines of the Italian literary circle and saw the importance of her works. Although the writer aspired to family life, she contributed greatly to Italian literature. She published her first poems in the second half of her life and was an inspiration to young Armenian and women writers. Her poems published in magazines talked about love, feelings, landscapes, and politics. She was one of the first women not to use a pseudonym and each of her publications was praised by literary critics. We compared the writer's activity to important events in her life and her activity throughout the years. After her death, many obituaries were published in famous women's and literary magazines with which Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj collaborated and where her importance and contribution to literature were described.
Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj
ženska književnost
talijanska književnost.
Keywords (english)
Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj
female literature
Italian literature
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:787659
Study programme Title: Linguistic and Intercultural Mediation Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) jezične i interkulturne medijacije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) jezične i interkulturne medijacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-23 15:55:23