Abstract | Promet je gospodarska djelatnost tercijarnog sektora koja se bavi prijevozom robe i
ljudi te prijenosom informacija s jednog mjesta na drugo. Usluga je nešto neopipljivo,
nešto što se ne može povratiti nakon isporuke („real time“), heterogenog je karaktera
te kod nje istovremeno dolazi do proizvodnje i potrošnje – obilježje nedjeljivosti.
Sagledavajući navedeno, vrlo je važno da se kao takva ispostavi sa što manje
komplikacija te da korisnik iste stvori visoku percepciju o poduzeću koje ispostavlja
uslugu te da naravno dođe do njezinog ponavljanja. Koncept marketinga kao takav
neizbježan je za svladavanje tržišnih izazova te u konačnici ostvarenje primarnog cilja
marketinga – zadovoljenja kupčevih želja i potreba. Potrebno je pomno odabrati
čimbenike marketinškog spleta 7P. Odabiri naravno iziskuju troškove poduzeću
sukladne njegovoj djelatnosti. Karakteristični tržišni segmenti zračnog prometa jesu
segment poslovnih putovanja, turističkih i privatnih putovanja. Kada je riječ o
strategijama pozicioniranja zrakoplovne tvrtke u pitanju, u obzir se uzima proizvod ili
usluga, kvaliteta iste, specifičnosti ponude, konkurencija te najvažnije - kategorija
korisnika koji će uslugu koristiti ili je već koriste. Strategije pozicioniranja na tržištu
zračnog prometa usmjerene su na način analize kategorije korisnika kako bi njihove
potrebe i želje rezultirale zadovoljstvom. Naposlijetku, bez međunarodnih
organizacija, udruženja i zajednica za zračni promet (ICAO, IATA, ECAC i JAA) nimalo
lagan zadatak ne bi bio održavanje „mirnog europskog i svjetskog neba“.
Cilj ovog rada ukazati je kompleksnost marketinga usluga u zračnom prometu te svim
izazovima na koje nailazi. Zračna luka Pula, kao primjer „lavovskog karaktera“ u
neprekidnoj borbi u tržišnom natjecanju te u pandemijskoj i postpandemijskoj situaciji
samo je jedan od dokaza da ništa nije nemoguće. |
Abstract (english) | Transport is an economic activity of the tertiary sector that deals with the transportation
of goods and people and the transfer of information from one place to another. A
service is something intangible, something that cannot be recovered after delivery
("real time"), it is heterogeneous in nature, and with it, production and consumption
occur at the same time - a feature of indivisibility. Considering the above, it is very
important that it turns out as such with as few complications as possible, and that the
user creates a high perception of the company that provides the service, and that, of
course, its repetition occurs. The concept of marketing as such is inevitable for
overcoming market challenges and ultimately achieving the primary goal of marketing
- satisfying the customer's wishes and needs. It is necessary to carefully select the
factors of the marketing mix 7P. Choices naturally require costs for the company
corresponding to its activity. The characteristic market segments of air transport are
business travel, tourist and private travel. When it comes to the airline company's
positioning strategies, the product or service, its quality, the specifics of the offer, the
competition, and most importantly the category of users who will use the service or
are already using it, are taken into account. Positioning strategies in the air transport
market are focused on the way of analyzing the user category so that their needs and
desires result in satisfaction. After all, without international organizations, associations
and communities for air transport (ICAO, IATA, ECAC and JAA) it would not be an
easy task to maintain a "peaceful European and world sky".
The aim of this paper is to show the complexity of marketing services in air traffic and
all the challenges it encounters. Pula Airport, as an example of a "lion's character" in
the continuous struggle in market competition and in a pandemic and post-pandemic
situation, is just one of the proofs that nothing is impossible. |
Study programme | Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije) |