Abstract | Starenje je proces tijekom kojega se događaju brojne promjene. Obzirom da starenje na neki način postaje „trend” u svijetu, ali i kod nas, trebali bi razmišljati o kvalitetnoj zdravstvenoj skrbi koju želimo pružati starijim osobama kako bi njihov život sve do posljednjih trenutaka života, kao i sama smrt, bio dostojanstven. Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati preferirani način skrbi u posljednjim danima života starijih osoba. Dodatni ciljevi koji proizlaze iz toga su ispitati postoje li statistički značajne razlike u preferiranim načinu skrbi u posljednjim danima života (u bolnici ili kod kuće) s obzirom na spol, bračni status, roditeljstvo, strah od smrti, njegovatelja u starosti i subjektivni osjećaj zdravlja te ispitati stavove starijih osoba o kvaliteti usluga patronažne zdravstvene njege i njege od strane zajednice. Za potrebe istraživanja izrađen je anketni upitnik kojeg su ispitanici ispunjavali u vlastitim domovima uz pomoć autorice ovog rada. Svi ispitanici su informirani o anonimnosti i dobrovoljnosti pristupanja, kao i o mogućnosti odust ajanja od istraživanja u svakom trenutku. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 106 ispitanika starije životne dobi, od čega 72 (67,9%) žene i 34 muškarca (32,1%), u dobi od 60 do 98 godina (M=79,46, SD=8,73). Ispitanici su korisnici patronažne zdravstvene zaštite u Istarskoj županiji na području Buja, Brtonigle, Oprtlja i Grožnjana. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da starije osobe na području Istarske županije preferiraju provesti posljednje dane svog života u vlastitom domu u odnosu na bolnice. Ispitanici koji žele svoje posljednje dane provesti u vlastitom domu smatraju da bi tako bili mirniji i sretniji jer bi čovjek trebao ostati u okruženju u kojem je proveo najveći dio svog života sa svojim bližnjima. S druge strane, rezultati preferencija bolničke njege na kraju života proizlazi iz straha od samoće za vrijeme umiranja ili osjećaja tereta za koji misle da bi time opteretili obitelj, a ne iz stava da je u bolnici bolja usluga nego u njihovim domovima. Uz sveobuhvatno i neprekidno unaprjeđenje kvalitete života starijih osoba, trebali bi više vremena posvetiti i dostojanstvenom završetku života, odnosno, poraditi na tome da posljednji trenuci života čovjeka, kao i sama smrt, budu baš tamo gdje pojedinac to želi te da se svakom pojedincu pristupa holistički u ostvarivanju njegovih/njezinih potreba. |
Abstract (english) | Aging is a process during which various changes occur. Given that aging is somehow becoming a "trend" in the world, as well as in our country, we should think about the quality health care we want to provide to older people so that their last moments of life, as well as death itself, can be dignified. The main goal of the research was to examine the preferred way of care in the last days of life of the elderly. Additional objectives resulting from this are to examine whether there are statistically significant differences in the preferred way of care in the last days of life (in hospital or at home) with regard to gender, marital status, parentage, fear of death, caregivers in old age and subjective sense of health, and to examine the attitudes of older people about the quality of outpatient health care services and care by the community. For the purposes of the research, a survey questionnaire was created, which the respondents filled out in their own homes with the help of the author of this paper. Before starting the questionnaire, all respondents were informed about the anonymity and voluntary participation, as well as the possibility of withdrawing from the research at any time. The research included 106 elderly subjects, of which 72 (67,9%) were women and 34 were men (32,1%), aged 60 to 98 (M=79,46, SD=8,73). The respondents are users of outpatient health care in the County of Istria in the areas of Buje, Brtonigla, Oprtalj, and Grožnjan. The results of this research show that elderly people in the area of Istria County prefer to spend the last days of their lives in their own homes compared to hospitals. Respondents who want to spend their last days in their own homes believe that they would be calmer and happier because a person should remain in the environment where he spent most of his life with his loved ones. On the other hand, the results of preferences for hospital care at the end of life stem from the fear of being alone while dying or the feeling of burden that they think it would put on the family, and not from the attitude that hospitals have better service than in their homes. With the comprehensive and continuous improvement of the quality of life of the elderly, they would like to devote more time to a dignified ending of life, that is, to work on the last moments of a person's life, as well as death itself, be exactly where the individual wants it to be each individual is approached holistically in meeting his/her needs. |