Author Iva Bilen
Mentor Nataša Visočnik Gerželj (mentor)
Committee member Violeta Moretti (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Stefani Silli (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Japanese Studies
Abstract Yōkai u Japanu označava nadnaravna bića, urbane legende, mitove i sl. Kroz povijest su imali razne nazive. Primjerice, u davnoj prošlosti bilo je teško razlučiti pojam kami od pojma yōkai, dok su u narednim razdobljima dobivali nazive poput mononoke, oni i sl. Kroz ilustrirane enciklopedije Toriyame Sekiena, ali i mnoga druga djela raznih umjetnika i folklorista, yōkai su su uspjeli preživjeti stoljeća prošlosti i nastaviti se razvijati u pop kulturi Japana. Mizuki Shigeru je zaslužan zašto su yōkai dospijeli i do Ghibli Studia. Njegov serijal GeGeGe no Kitarō potaknuo je mnoge da nastave uključivati nadnaravna bića prošlosti u moderni svijet. Kada je riječ o Studio Ghibli animeima, Spirited Away na kojemu je fokus u ovom radu, dao je prostora yōkaijima poput yamaube, tsuchigumoa i mizuchija da ponovno ožive. Miyazaki desetogodišnju djevojčicu Chihiro ubacuje u duhovni svijet gdje se susreće sa stvarima koje ne razumije, poput kamikakushija za kojeg se nekada vjerovalo da predstavlja otmicu djece od strane duhova. Drugi je ikai, odnosno svijet duhova u kojemu se našla Chihiro. U ikaiju,Chihiro nalazi posao u kupalištu bogova i susreće se s mnogim neobičnim stvorenjima poput Kaonashija, odnosno yōkaija nopperabō. Yōkai su zbog svoje složenosti zanimljiv predmet proučavanja, a taj magični svijet se i dalje nastavlja razvijati u mašti Japanaca.
Abstract (english) Yōkai in Japan represent supernatural beings, urban legends, myths and the like. They have had various names throughout history. For instance, in the ancient past it was difficult to distinguish the term kami from the term yōkai, while in subsequent periods they received names such as mononoke, oni along with others. Through Toriyama Sekien's illustrated encyclopedias, as well as many other works by various artists and folklorists, yōkai managed to survive centuries of the past and continue to develop in the pop culture of Japan. Mizuki Shigeru is credited for yōkai reaching Studio Ghibli. His GeGeGe no Kitarō series inspired many to continue incorporating supernatural beings of the past into the modern world. When it comes down to Studio Ghibli anime, Spirited Away, which is the main focus of this paper, gave space to yōkai such as yamauba, tsuchigumo and mizuchi to come back to life. Miyazaki introduces a ten-year-old girl Chihiro into the spirit world where she encounters things she doesn't understand, such as kamikakushi, which was once believed to represent the abduction of children by spirits. The second is the ikai, the spirit world in which Chihiro finds work at a bathhouse of the gods and encounters many unusual creatures such as Kaonashi, or yōkai nopperabō. Yōkai are an interesting topic of study due to their complexity, and this magical world continues to develop in the imagination of the Japanese.
Toriyama Sekien
Mizuki Shigeru
Spirited Away
Keywords (english)
Toriyama Sekien
Mizuki Shigeru
Spirited Away
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:992252
Study programme Title: Japanese language and culture Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica japanskog jezika i kulture (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica japanskog jezika i kulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-01 20:54:48