Abstract | U radu se govori o prometnim nezgodama kao uzroku smrtnosti i invaliditeta u Istarskoj županiji od 2015.-2022. godini, što je ujedno i tema ovoga rada.
Uvod: objašnjen pojam prometne nesreće i čimbenici koji dovode do prometnih nesreća. Poseban osvrt je napravljen na uzročnike koji su u Hrvatskoj i svijetu prepoznati kao „4 glavne ubojice“ u prometu- alkohol, pojas, mobitel i brzina. Nadalje su u uvodu objašnjeni programi koji se provode u prevenciji nastanka prometnih nesreća i to na tri razine-u Hrvatskoj, Europi i u svijetu čime se omogućuje usporedba i razumijevanje različitih pristupa i mjera.
Cilj istraživanja: utvrditi koliko je u stanovništva u Hrvatskoj izgubljeno u zadanom razdoblju – zbog invaliditeta ili smrti i koji su najčešći uzroci prometnih nezgoda (alkohol, mobitel, pojas, neprilagođena brzina – četiri ubojice u prometu).
Metode istraživanja i ispitanici: Provedena je retrospektivna studija za zadano razdoblje od 2015.-2022. godine, analizirani su dostupni podaci svih osoba pregledanih u Općoj bolnici Pula zbog ozljeda nastalih kao posljedica prometne nezgode kao i osoba koje su smrtno stradale na mjestu događaja. Podaci su prikupljeni iz arhive Opće bolnice Pula i iz Policijske uprave istarske.
Rezultati: u kojem su prezentirani konkretni podaci o prometnim nesrećama i ozljedama u istarskoj županiji za razdoblje od 2015. do 2022. godine. Poseban fokus stavljen je na podatke Policijske uprave istarske, te na informacije o prijemima u bolnice osoba stradalih u prometnim nesrećama.)Ustanovljeno je da se smanjuje broj alkoholiziranih testiranih vozača ali se povećava broj prometnih nezgoda sa teško ozlijeđenima kojima je uzrok alkohol. Medijan dobi ozlijeđenih je 42 godine,a broj poginulih na 100000 stanovnika se manjio kroz godine od 12 u 2015. godini do 8 u 2021. godini.Prekomjerna brzina je uzrok 40,3 % smrti u prometu u RH
Zaključak: doneseni su zaključci o prometnim nesrećama kao globalnom javnozdravstvenom i sigurnosnom problemu,potrebi za proširivanjem preventivnih programa u Istri, Hrvatskoj i svijetu te o mogućim ulogama medicinske sestre u prevenciji.Medicinska sestra bi trebala biti dio multidisciplinarnih timova koji izrađuju preventivne planove i programe, sudjelovati u edukaciji o važnosti odgovornosti u prometnu od najranije dobi te sudjelovati u rehabiliticaji kako unesrećenih tako i njihovih obitelji. Isto tako iz godine u godinu se poboljšavaju sigurnosni uvjeti na cestama u RH, pokazatelj je značajnio smanjenje smrtnosti 2019 je godina sa najmanje poginulih na cestama, 297 od stjecanja nezavisnosti.Ove brojke su zasigurno dijelom rezultata provođenja Nacionalnog plana sigurnosti cestovnog prometa. |
Abstract (english) | The paper discusses traffic accidents as a cause of death and disability in the County of Istria from 2015-2022. year, which is also the topic of this paper.
Introduction: explained the concept of traffic accident and the factors that lead to traffic accidents. A special review was made on the causes that are recognized in Croatia and the world as the "4 main killers" in traffic - alcohol, seat belts, mobile phones and speed. Furthermore, the introduction explains the programs implemented in the prevention of traffic accidents on three levels - in Croatia, Europe and the world, which enables comparison and understanding of different approaches and measures.
The aim of the research: to determine how much of the population in Croatia was lost in a given period - due to disability or death and what are the most common causes of traffic accidents (alcohol, mobile phone, seat belt, inappropriate speed - four killers in traffic).
Research methods and respondents: A retrospective study was conducted for the given period of 2015-2022. year, the available data of all persons examined at the Pula General Hospital for injuries caused as a result of a traffic accident, as well as persons who died at the scene of the incident, were analysed. The data was collected from the archives of the Pula General Hospital and from the Istrian Police Department.
Results: in which specific data on traffic accidents and injuries in the Istrian County for the period from 2015 to 2022 are presented. A special focus was placed on the data of the Police Administration of Istria, and on the information on admissions to hospitals of persons killed in traffic accidents.) It was established that the number of drunken tested drivers is decreasing, but the number of traffic accidents with seriously injured people caused by alcohol is increasing. The median age of the injured is 42 years, and the number of fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants has decreased over the years from 12 in 2015 to 8 in 2021. Excessive speed is the cause of 40.3% of traffic deaths in the Republic of Croatia
Conclusion: conclusions were made about traffic accidents as a global public health and safety problem, the need to expand preventive programs in Istria, Croatia and the world, and about the possible roles of nurses in prevention. Nurses should be part of multidisciplinary teams that create preventive plans and programs, participate in education about the importance of responsibility in traffic from an early age and participate in the rehabilitation of both accident victims and their families. Likewise, the safety conditions on the roads in the Republic of Croatia are improving from year to year, an indicator is the significant reduction in deaths. 2019 is the year with the fewest deaths on the roads, 297 since independence. These figures are certainly part of the results of the implementation of the National Road Traffic Safety Plan.
KEY WORDS: disability, national plan, prevention, traffic accident, mortality |