Abstract | Prepoznavanje novih trendova suvremenog hotelijerstva ključno je za uspješno razvijanje hotelsko poslovanje. Glavni motivatori putovanja ljudi bili su hodočašće, obrazovanje i trgovina, napretkom infrastrukture i pojavom prvih organiziranih hotela, glavni motivatori putovanja postali su sunce, more i obala. Tema i istraživanje ovog rada su novi trendovi razvoja suvremenog hotelijerstva. Svrha ovog rada je prepoznati i jasno istaknuti koji su novi trendovi, kako utječu na razvoj suvremenog hotelijerstva i njihovo jasno definiranje. Cilj ovog rada je odrediti motivaciju turista, konkurentnost pojave novih trendova u odnosu na dosadašnji razvoj suvremenog hotelijerstva. Nakon razvitka suvremenog hotelijerstva dolazi do globalne pandemije COVID-19 što je dovelo do naglog interesa ljudi o različitim vrstama turizma i poslovanju hotela. Pojavljuju se nove grane turizma ili selektivni oblici turizma. Ovakva promjena utjecala je na promjenu poslovanja svih grana turizma, ugostiteljstva te na razvoj i način poslovanja suvremenog hotelijerstva. Kao nastanak diversifikacije ponude i potražnje od strane turista, pojavili su se novi trendovi u razvoju suvremenog hotelijerstva. Ovu vrstu ljudi nazivamo " turisti novog doba" koji traže dodatne "nepisane" pogodnosti, kao što su: vrijednost za novac, doživljaj kao dio hotelske usluge, održivo poslovanje i slično. Upravo zbog naglog interesa dolazi do razvoja tematskih hotela koji su jedni od trendova suvremenog hotelijerstva. Tematski hoteli u radu pojavljuju se u međunarodnim i Hrvatskim primjerima suvremenog hotelijerstva. Na razvoj suvremenog hotelijerstva i uvođenje poslovne tematike mogu utjecati prirodni resursi planine, pećine, led( Ledeni hotel u Švedskoj, Gamirasu pećina hotel u Turskoj, filmska umjetnost( Hobit hotel, Cinema hostel), razvoj automobilske umjetnosti( V8 hotel u Njemačkoj), ambijent i uređenje hotela ( Hotel Grand the et des Palmes u Italiji, Ambijent Hotel u Sloveniji) samo su od nekih međunarodnih primjera.Za razliku od međunarodnih primjera, na Hrvatske su utjecali kulturna-povijesna baština( ljetnikovci, staro-gradska jezgra i palače) i glamping turizam. |
Abstract (english) | Recognizing new trends in the modern hotel industry is essential for the successful development of the hotel business. The main motivators of people's travels were pilgrimage, education, and trade, with the progress of infrastructure and the appearance of the first organized hotels, the main motivators of travel became the sun, the sea, and the coast. The topic and research of this paper are new trends in the development of the modern hotel industry. The purpose of this paper is to recognize and highlight the new trends, how they affect the development of the contemporary hotel industry, and their clear definition. This paper aims to determine the motivation of tourists and the competitiveness of the emergence of new trends concerning the current development of the modern hotel industry. After the development of the modern hotel industry, the global pandemic of COVID-19 occurred, which led to a sudden interest in people in different types of tourism and hotel business. New branches of tourism or selective forms of tourism are emerging. This kind of change affected the business of all branches of tourism and hospitality, as well as the development and way of doing business in the modern hotel industry. As a result of the diversification of supply and demand by tourists, new trends have emerged in the development of the modern hotel industry. We call this type of people "new age tourists" looking for additional "unwritten" benefits, such as value for money, experience as part of hotel service, sustainable business, and the like. It is precisely because of the sudden interest that thematic hotels are being developed, which is one of the trends in the modern hotel industry. Theme hotels in the work appear in international and Croatian examples of the contemporary hotel industry. The development of the modern hotel industry and the introduction of business themes can be influenced by the natural resources of mountains, caves, ice (Ice Hotel in Sweden, Gamiras cave hotel in Turkey, film art (Hobbit hotel, Cinema hostel), development of automotive art (V8 hotel in Germany), ambiance and hotel decoration (Hotel Grand the et des Palmes in Italy, Ambient Hotel in Slovenia) are just some of the international examples. In contrast to international examples, Croatians were influenced by cultural-historical heritage (summer houses, old town centers, and palaces) and glamping tourism. |