Abstract | Društveno odgovorno poslovanje odnosi se na način poslovanja modernog poduzeća koji omogućuje stvaranje društvenog, gospodarskog, ekološkog i održivog razvoja uz istovremeno maksimiziranje pozitivnog utjecaja gospodarstva na društvo i okoliš i minimiziranje negativnog učinka na iste.
Cilj svakog poduzeća je ostvarivanje dobiti, međutim u današnje vrijeme se poslovanje odvija u zajednici koja ima određena očekivanja od poduzeća, ali i pravila vezana uz društvenu odgovornost. Tu se javlja uloga samoregulacijskih instrumenata koji govore društvu da poslovanje poduzeća uzima u obzir sva ta očekivanja te se trudi nadmašiti ih.
Cilj i tema ovog rada je jasnije prikazati povezanost samoregulacijskih instrumenata i društveno odgovornog poslovanja, te na koji način se samoregulacijski instrumenti implementiraju u poslovnu strategiju poduzeća, koji su izazovi u njihovoj provedbi, ali i koristi koje iz njih proizlaze, te analizirati obilježja, značajke i uloge samoregulacijskih instrumenata u svakom gospodarstvu.
U prvom poglavlju definiran je pojam društveno odgovornog poslovanja i njegov razvoj kroz povijest, u drugom poglavlju dano je pojmovno određenje samoregulacijskih instrumenata, njihova obilježja te prednosti i nedostatci.
U trećem poglavlju naglasak je na ISO standardima, postupku certifikacije i značajnosti koji imaju u svakodnevnom poslovanju poduzeća i u konačnici je pruženo nekoliko primjera iz Hrvatske koji jasno prikazuju kako se uspješno implementira društvena odgovornost i samoregulacijski instrumenti s ciljem jačanja pozicije na tržištu.
Samoregulacijskim instrumentima se pokazuje briga za, ne samo okoliš i društvo u cijelosti, već i za buduće generacije koje ostaju iza nas. |
Abstract (english) | Corporate social responsibility refers to the way modern companies conduct business that allows the creation of a social, economic, ecological and sustainable development while maximizing the positive impact that the economy has on society and the environment while at the same time minimizing the negative impacts.
The goal of any business is to make profit, but today, business is conducted in a community that has certain expectations of a company, as well as rules relating to social responsibility. The role of self-regulatory instruments is getting more important, and enterprises takes into account all these expectations and strive to exceed them.
The aim and main focus of this work is to clearly show the connection between self-regulatory instruments and corporate social responsibility, and how be self-regulatory instruments are implemented in the business strategy of a company, what are the challenges in their implementation, but also the benefits that derive from them, and to analyze the characteristics, features and the role of self-regulatory instruments in any economy.
The first chapter defines the term of corporate social responsibility and its development throughout history. In the second chapter the conceptual definition of self-regulatory instruments is given as well as their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
In the third chapter, the emphasis is on ISO standards, the process of certification and the significance they have in everyday business. Finally, a few examples were given from Croatia that clearly show how to successfully implement social responsibility and self-regulatory instruments in order to strengthen their position in the market.
With the implementation of self-regulatory instruments, companies are showing a concern, not only for the environment and the society as a whole, but also for future generations that remain behind us. |