Abstract | Glogovac – malo mjesto pored Koprivnice nekad je živjelo kao mali grad, zahvaljujući svojim prirodnim bogatstvima i eksploataciji ugljena koja datira još iz 1869. godine. Nakon „zlatnog doba“ rudarstva, 1960-ih godina, dolazi do problema u distribuciji ugljena, prvenstveno zbog prijelaza na korištenje drugih izvora energije. Proizvodnja se postupno smanjivala, a poslovanje postajalo nerentabilno, stoga je 1972. godine došlo do prestanka rada poduzeća. Bez obzira na težak rad i nezavidne uvjete, ljudi koji su izgradili mjesto – rudari, bili su i glavni pokretači zabave. Rudnik je bio, kako kažu, „žila kucavica“. Mnogo nacija susrelo se upravo tamo iz istog razloga: (budući) rudari došli su „trbuhom za kruhom“, sami ili s obiteljima. U Glogovcu je, osim posla, bilo mnogo zabavnih sadržaja, što je doprinijelo bogatom društvenom životu i tome da Glogovac postane centar zbivanja. No, danas se na spomen rudnika osjeća samo nostalgija i sjećanje na bolje dane, kao i na ljepše mjesto. Naime, u selu su ostale ruševine, a u rudarske se zgrade ne ulaže i sve zajedno je zapušteno. Samo izvor pitke vode i dalje privlači mještane, ali i stanovnike okolice. Iako ponosni na rudare i rudarsku prošlost, dio stanovnika danas je posramljen zbog izgleda mjesta, upravo zbog zapuštenih zgrada i neuređenog okoliša. Ovaj se rad bavi prvenstveno mišljenjem lokalnog stanovništva o mjestu i rudarskoj baštini te njihovim idejama - što učiniti s time i što bi oni voljeli imati u mjestu. Također, jedno od bitnih pitanja je i muzealizacija, odnosno zašto ne postoji muzej rudarstva niti ništa slično. Iako velik problem u realizaciji bilo kakvog projekta predstavljaju neriješeni imovinsko-pravni odnosi, u radu su spomenuti primjeri dobre prakse, kao i mogućnosti koje se nude. Tim se pitanjima bavi drugi dio rada, dok je u prvom dijelu kratko prikazana povijest rudnika i položaj rudara u određenim razdobljima, kao i životni ciklus samog mjesta – Glogovca. |
Abstract (english) | Glogovac – a little place near Koprivnica has lived like a small town by virtue of his natural riches and coal exploitation since 1869. After the „golden age“ of mining, the 1960s, problems in coal distribution occurred, in the first place because of the transition to the usage of other energy sources. The production was cut down progressively and the business became irrefutable. Because of that it came to the end of the business operations in 1972. Despite of the hard work and scarce living conditions, people who have built this place – the miners – were also the main actuators of the amusement. The mine represented, how they say: the nucleus of the village. Many nations met right there for the same reason: (future) miners came there to earn a living, alone or with their families. Apart from work, Glogovac had lots of fun content. It contributed to the rich social life and Glogovac became the center of events. But, nowadays when we mention the mine, we only recall the past better days, feeling nostalgia. Namely, the mining village is neglected. The mining buildings are not taken care of and everywhere we look, we see ruins. Only the spring with fresh water still attracts locals and the residents of the surrounding area. Although proud of miners and the mining past, a part of the local population nowadays is ashamed because of the look of the place, especially because of the neglected buildings and its environment. This work deals primarily with the opinion of the local population about the place and the mining heritage. It also deals with their ideas – what to do about it and what would they like to have in this place. Also, one of the essential questions is a musealization – why is there not a museum of mining nor anything similar. Although property and legal relations represent a big problem in the realization of any project, in this work are mentioned examples of good practice, as well as offered opportunities. These questions are taken into consideration in the second part of this work, while in the first part of this work is described a history of that mine and the position of miners at certain times, as well as the circle of life in the village Glogovac. |