Abstract | Pisanje istarskoga lista na hrvatskom jeziku Naša Sloga o Puli u ratnim godinama 1914. – 1915, ogledava se uglavnom u člancima na trećoj stranici lista, pod naslovom „Razne viesti“, i ima ih relativno maleni broj. Istraživanje je skupilo 73 članaka, koji su podijeljeni tematski, i ubačeni u odgovarajuća podpoglavlja u ovome radu: evakuacija i početak gradskih nemira, gospodarstvo, hrana i mjere štednje, vojska, sigurnost i zabrane, ratna zbivanja, pomoć i Crveni križ, razno, kraj izlaženja Naše Sloge. O svakodnevnici Pule smo saznali da je Prvi svjetski rat uvelike utjecao na život grada i njegovih stanovnika. Ona opuštenost i ležernost kakva je bila uoči rata je jednostavno nestala iza zidina ovog grada. Svakodnevnica Pule je postala vrlo zagušljiva s ograničenom slobodom kretanja. Prilagodbom na novi način života, građani Pule su se morali pomiriti s činjenicom ratnog stanja, te s druge strane biti korisni pri pomoći jedni drugima. List se uglavnom osvrće na teme o hrani, savjetima o štednji namirnica, o mogućnosti prikupljanja raznovrsnih darova i potrepština za vojnike iz primorskih krajeva koji su bili na bojištima. Prikupljene potrepštine su bile sve moguće potrebne namirnice uporabljive za jelo, kao i pribor za jelo, odjeća od čarapa, gaća, cipela do vunenih vesta, kapa, rukavica i potkošulja. Međutim, ne osporavajući bitnost navedenih stvari, vojnicima su bili najdraži darovi poput cigareta, cigara, kave, alkohola, čokolade i tomu slično. |
Abstract (english) | The writing of the croatian language newspaper, Naša Sloga on the issues of the city of Pula during the war years 1914-15 is reflected mostly in articles on the third page of the paper, under the title „Various news“. The research has found 73 articles, which is, relatively speaking, a small number. They were thematically divided and inserted in corresponding chapters of this thesis: evacuation, beginning of civil riots, economy, saving measures, military, safety, war, help and Red Cross activities, various information, and the final release of the newspaper Naša Sloga. It is found out that the World War I had a big influence on the everyday life of Pula's citizens. Their calmness and peacefulness were slowly fading as the war was more and more affecting their everyday life. Soon enough, city became suffocating with limited traffic. As they addapted on a new lifestyle, the citizens of Pula learnt that they must help each other in those deperate times. The paper's most usual content were articles dealing with food issues, some saving tips and reminders of possibility of donating gifts and groceries for soldiers. They were accepting everything eatable, cutlery and all kinds of clothers and footwear. However, despite all the food and surviving essentials they were getting, soldiers couldn't be happier if they got cigarettes, cigars, coffee, chocolate and of course, alcohol. |