Title Kulturni turizam i gradovi kulture
Title (english) Cultural tourism and cities of culture
Author Ivana Štifanić
Mentor Aljoša Vitasović (mentor)
Committee member Iva Slivar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mauro Dujmović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2016-12-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract U novom suvremenom dobu došlo je do dinamičnih i intenzivnih promjena na tržištu turizma. Promjenila se turistička potražnja, selektivni oblici turizma sve više dobivaju na značaju i vrijednosti, i sve više resursa svaka pojedina destinacija u Europi ulaže upravo u kulturni turizam. Riječ je o specifičnom selektivnom obliku turizma koji imperativ postavlja prvenstveno na kulturno povijesno nasljeđe, te materijalno i nematerijalno bogatstvo određenog područja. Upravo je takav razvoj događaja koji je uslijedio promjenama koje su se pojavile na turističkom tržištu uzrokovao i pokazao potrebu za novim projektom, koji će se baviti isključivo oživljavanjem i osvještavanjem kulturnog bogatstva i implementiranjem istog u turističku ponudu u pojedinim Europskim gradovima. Riječ je dakle o projektu Europske prijestolnice kulture (EPK), koji je započeo sredinom osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, a glavni cilj i svrha projekta bio je da potakne razvoj kulture u gradovima, u kojima ona nije toliko istaknuta, i da se financiraju projekti u domeni kulturnog turizma, u europskim gradovima koji dominiraju po pitanju bogate povijesti i kulturno-povijesnog nasljeđa. Ideju o uspostavi projekta i naslova “Europska prijestolnica kulture” pokrenula je Melina Mercouri, prva grčka ministrica kulture, uvjerivši tadašnje članove Europskog parlamenta u društveni značaj umjetnosti i kulture. Godine 1985. Atena je s izuzetnim uspjehom postala prva Europska prijestolnica kulture. Od 2011. godine dva grada iz zemalja članica Europske unije svake godine nose titulu Europske prijestolnice kulture. Ovim se projektom ţeli istaknuti bogatstvo i raznovrsnost europskih kultura, slaviti kulturne veze koje povezuju Europljane, povezati stanovnike različitih europskih država, promovirati njihovu multikulturalnost i višejezičnost kao i uzajamno razumijevanje te potaknuti osjećaj europskog građanstva. Sve studije pokazale su da je projekt Europske prijestolnice kulture izuzetna prilika za urbanu obnovu, povećanje međunarodnog profila grada, kao i poboljšanje imidža grada u očima njegovih stanovnika, povećanje vitalnosti kulturnog života grada, međunarodne vidljivosti grada i turističkih rezultata.
Abstract (english) In the new modern time there has been some dinamic and intensive changes on the tourist demand/supply market. Changes have occurred in the field of the tourist demand, selective forms and categories of tourism have gain more power and are becoming more and more valued, which is the main reason why each European destiny by itself is investing more money in the field of the cultural tourism. It is a specific form of tourism which represents mostly the cultural and historical heritage of one particular tourist destination. That is exactly what brought the need for a new and modern project as this one, mentioned in this thesis, the European capital of culture. The main goal was to implement culture in the tourist supply of one particular tourist destination. The project started in the middle of 80's last century, and the main goal was to figure out how to finance the less known European capitals, which are less known for its tourist sucess, from the European Funds. The idea started from the first greek minister of culture, Melina Mercouri, who convinced the members of the European parlament about the significance of social value of culture and art in the society. In the year 1985 Athens has become the first European capital of culture, and since 2011 two cities from the European Union, are proud to call them selves the European capital of culture. This is a project which was created to emphasise the treasure of the multidiversity of european cultures, to celebrate to bonds that bring European people together, also to collide the inhabitants of different European countries, and to promote their multiculturality and bilinguility, which lead to a more powerfull bond and the feeling of European citizenship individually. All studies have shown this project is an escuisit opportunity for a urban renovement, increase of international cities profile, and also for the improvement of one city's cultural and tourist image, in the eyes of its local habitants and foreign visitors.
Europska prijestolnica kulture
Kulturni turizam
Keywords (english)
European capitals of culture
Cultural Tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:540136
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-04-11 08:28:27