Title Razvoj dječjeg crteža
Title (english) Development of children's drawings
Author Ivona Božičević
Mentor Breza Žižović (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Breza Žižović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branko Radić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2018-06-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Abstract Likovna umjetnost kao oblik komuniciranja koristi likovni jezik. Od trenutka kada je dijete primi olovku u ruku i krene šarati njegov crtež postaje komunikacijsko sredstvo putem kojeg komunicira s nama. Crtanje je izražavanje dječje ličnosti, ali je kao takav i pokazatelj zrelosti, kako motoričke tako i intelektualne. Crtež nam pokazuje dječja unutarnja iskustva, motoričku zrelost i koordinaciju, emocije, potrebe i želje, te strahove i očekivanja. To su samo neke od poruka koje nam djeca šalju kroz svoje likovne radove. Kako bi otkrili što nam crtežima žele poručiti, moramo pokazati interes za njihovo likovno izražavanje i to kroz razna pitanja koja ćemo im uputiti, a koja su vezana za njihovo likovno djelo. Likovna aktivnost je oblik dječjeg stvaralaštva u kojem dijete djeluje slobodno, spontano i nesputano. Mi kao odgojitelji moramo djeci omogućiti slobodan pristup likovnom izrazu. Pri tome je vrlo važno razumjeti djetetov izričaj i ne činiti ga upitnim jer to može uzrokovati sporiji razvoj njegovog likovnog izraza. Važno je pratiti razvoj dječje likovnosti, a to možemo kroz četiri faze razvoja dječjeg crteža, koje nam pomažu da bolje razumijemo djetetov emocionalni, kognitivni, socio-emocionalan razvoj, te da budemo sposobni iščitati poruku koju nam dijete kroz svoja umjetnička djela šalje. Moramo biti otvorena uma, jer su dječji crteži vrata za prolaz u njihov slobodan i kreativan svijet pun mašte.
Abstract (english) From the moment the child grabs a pencil in his hand and starts to draw, his drawing becomes a mean of communication between him and us. Drawing is an expression of a child's personality, but as such is also a sign of maturity, both motoric and intellectual. A drawing shows us children's inner experiences, motoric abilities and coordination, emotions, needs and desires but also fears and expectations. These are just some of the messages that children send to us through their artwork. In order to find out what they want to write to us, we need to show their interest in their artistic expression through the various questions we are going to ask them, and that are related to their artwork. Physical activity is a form of child labor throughout which a child acts freely, spontaneously and unambiguously. We, as educators, need to allow children to have free access to visual art. It is very important to understand the child's expression and not to question it because it may cause a slower development of his artistic expression in future. It is very important to keep up with the development of children's art, and we can do this through four stages of childrens drawing. These stages help us to understand better child's emotional, cognitive, socio-emotional development and to be able to read the messages that a child sends us through its artwork. It's highly important to be open-minded because the children's drawing is just a door of the passage into their free, creative world full of imagination.
likovna umjetnost
dječje stvaralaštvo
dječja likovnost
faze razvoja dječjeg crteža.
Keywords (english)
children's creativity
children's drawing development phases.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:117315
Study programme Title: Preschool Education Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-07-17 12:33:04