Title Narodni običaji u Istri
Title (english) Traditional customs of Istria
Author Paula Rojnić
Mentor Slaven Bertoša (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Gržinić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slaven Bertoša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Department of Interdisciplinary, Italian and Cultural Studies) Pula
Defense date and country 2018-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Ethnology and Anthropology Ethnology
Abstract Narodni običaji su tradicijom ustaljeni načini ponašanja te nezaobilazni čimbenici narodne kulture koji obilježavaju značajne trenutke čovjekova života. Dijele se na godišnje, životne i gospodarske. Narodni običaji u Istri podložni su promjenama izazvanim različitim kulturnim i drugim utjecajima pa su mnogi gotovo nestali, a drugi su postali simbolima regionalnoga identiteta. Tako se primjerice, u Buzetu na poseban način održava svadba, gdje sve počinje prosidbom na specifičan način, a završava vjenčanjem. Svako mjesto u Istri ima neki svoj narodni običaj koji se obilježavao tijekom godina, a u nekim se mjestima još uvijek obilježava. Tako se u Barbanu za vrijeme velikog blagdana Uskrsa još uvijek bojaju jaja prirodnim bojama, peku se domaći kolači te se ide na misu i druži se s obitelji. U Raklju se pak, još uvijek ljudi bave lončarstvom, izrađuju posude za kuhanje od gline. Nekada su se time bavile gotovo sve obitelji u Raklju, a danas je ostala još samo jedna. Kada je riječ o narodnim običajima na području Labina, zanimljivo je spomenuti kako je u selu nekada postojala određena kuća s velikom prostorijom u kojoj se svake nedjelje ili tijekom blagdana održavao ples. Labinjani su također poznati po običajima vezanim uz liječenje, rođenje i krštenje te karnevalu. Cilj maškara uvijek je bio razveseliti domaćina i ukućane, zato bi u svakoj kući maškare plesale i pjevale s ukućanima. Osim životnih i godišnjih narodnih običaja, veliku važnost u Istri imaju i gospodarski običaji. Osnovu današnjeg seoskog gospodarstva srednje Istre čine poljodjelstvo i uzgoj vinove loze. Vjerovanja seoskog stanovništva u nedavnoj prošlosti odnosila su se u najvećoj mjeri na praznovjerja i magijske čine za urod usjeva i zaštitu od vremenskih nepogoda. Tako se, primjerice, moralo prati ruke prije sjetve, nije se smjelo ništa govoriti prilikom sijanja, sjeme se blagoslivljalo u crkvi i slično. Istra je prepoznatljiva i po tradicionalnoj hrani koja se još uvijek priprema, od koje valja istaknuti domaću tjesteninu, kruh i kolače koji se pripremaju tijekom važnih blagdana.
Abstract (english) Folk customs are traditionally established behaviors and inescapable factors of national cultures that mark significant moments of a person’s life. They are divided as seasonal customs, life cycle celebrations, and economic customs. The folk customs of Istria have been subject to changes caused by different cultural and other types of influence, so many have nearly vanished, and others have become symbols of the regional identity. For example, there is a special ceremony for weddings in Buzet, with a specific proposal custom that leads to a wedding. Every place in Istria has its own special folk custom that has been upheld through the years, and some places are still holding them. One example is Barban where the eggs are dyed using natural ingredients during the Easter celebration, homemade cakes are made, the Holy Mass is attended and the time is spent with one's family. A few people in Rakalj are still the old-fashioned potters and make cooking pots out of clay. Almost all the families in Rakalj used to do this, and there is only one left today. When it comes to folk customs in Labin, there used to be one specific house in the village with a big room where a dance was held every Sunday or during the holidays. People from Labin are also known for customs that deal with healing, birth, baptism and the carnival. The goal of the carnival has always been to entertain the host and his family, so in every house, the carnival participants would dance and sing with the people living within. Besides the life cycle and seasonal folk customs, the economic customs also hold great value in Istria. The core of the modern mid-Istria estate are agriculture and viticulture. The locals' belief were mostly superstitions and magical rites that were supposed to help with the grain yield and protection from the harsh weather. These included washing hands before sowing, staying completely quiet during the sowing, blessing the sowing grains in the church, etc. Istria is also recognizable for the specific cuisine that is still current, the prominent dishes including homemade pasta, bread and cakes prepared only for the most important holidays.
narodni običaji
svadbeni običaji
narodna nošnja
narodni ples i glazba
krušne peći
istarska narodna jela
Keywords (english)
folk customs
wedding customs
folk costumes
folk dance and music
bread ovens
traditional Istrian food and dishes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:948028
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulture i turizma (magistar/magistra kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-10-11 06:46:40