Abstract | U ovome završnom radu, navedeno je poimanje i sam razvoj turizma, te iskustva u turizmu koji se temelje na putniku, proizvodima i lokalnom stanovništvu. Iskustva u turizmu prolaze kroz pojedine faze, odnosno kroz preuranjenu fazu, iskustvenu fazu, i reflektirajuću fazu. Spominjući kvalitetu, kvaliteta utjecaja iskustva turizma predstavlja pogled na turizam, a nastala iskustva turisti slikaju sa svojih putovanja. Ti utjecaji se bave političko-ekonomskom perspektivom, društvenom konstrukcijom, značenja medija, tumačenja značenja i mjesta, te kvalitete od života tumačenja u tri segmenta. Svaki segment ima više utjecaja unutar njega, a svaka je isprepletena s druga dva. Uz turizam, spominje se i kultura. Kultura i turizam su vrlo povezani, iako njihov odnos u praksi nije uvijek harmoničan. Kada govorimo o turističkoj kulturi, možemo reći da ona izravno utječe na turizam, te turizam sve više utječe ne kulturu koja postaje bitan motiv turističkih putovanja, čime možemo reći da je složen i višestran fenomen, zbog čega se pristupa njegovoj tipologiji, tj. izdvajanju pojedinih specifičnih podsektora. Generalno se smatra da turizam eksploatira kulturnu baštinu, što izaziva odbojnost ‘kulturnjaka’ (menadžment kulturnih atrakcija) prema turizmu. Umjesto suradnje, između kulture i turizma često postoji ‘konkurencija’. Usprkos ovim i sličnim nejasnoćama, umjetnički turizam je izbor određenog broja kulturnih turista, čemu doprinosi i sve veća ponuda, kao i promocija, raznovrsnih umjetničkih proizvoda. Bogata ponuda raznovrsnih umjetničkih događaja doprinosi jačanju imidža destinacije i nudi bolje uvjete života lokalnom stanovništvu. |
Abstract (english) | In this work, stated the conception and development of tourism , and experience in tourism based on the traveler, the products and the local population. Experience in tourism go through certain stages, or through premature stage, experiential phase, and reflective phase. Mentioning quality, quality tourism experiences influence the views on tourism and the resulting experience tourists take from their travels. These influences are dealing with a political-economic perspective, the social structure, meaning the media, interpreting the meaning and the place and the quality of life interpretation of the three segments. Each segment has more influence within it, each intertwined with the other two. Besides tourism, we talk about culture. Culture and tourism are very related, although their relationship in practice is not always harmonious. When we talk about the tourist culture, we can say that it has a direct impact on tourism, and tourism is increasingly affecting culture that is becoming an important motive for tourist travel, thus we can say that it is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which is why access to his typology, respectively, the separation of the individual specific sub-sectors. It is generally considered that tourism exploiting cultural heritage, which causes aversion 'cultural workers' (management of cultural attractions) to tourism. Instead of cooperation between culture and tourism, there is often a 'competition'. Despite these and other uncertainties, art tourism is a choice of a number of cultural tourists, combined with the increasing selection and promotion of various artistic products. The rich offer of various artistic events contributes to strengthening the image of the destination and provide better living conditions for the local population. |
Study programme | Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Business Informatics Course: Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |