Abstract | Kraljevina Engleska ima dugu i burnu prošlost koja seže još u stoljeća ranog srednjeg vijeka. Ta je zemlja uvijek bila meta raznoraznih napadača i samim time mnogo godina veliko bojište na sjeveru. Svi ti ratovi polučili su velike vladare koji su vladali Engleskom i koji su je uvukli u vrtlog dinastičkih borbi, što je u konačnici rezultiralo time da Engleska postane normanska. Dolaskom Normana počinje preobrazba engleskog društva: kreće se s gradnjom velebnih zdanja diljem Engleske, proces feudalizacije u punom je jeku, novo plemstvo zauzima posjede Anglosasa, kako plemića tako i slobodnih seljaka, grade se i popravljaju ceste, a kraljev autoritet i njegova volja su zakon. Nakon smrti dvojice Vilima na tron stiže Henrik I., koji je unatoč tome što je naslijedio snažnu i dobro organiziranu državu odlučio još više poboljšati sistem državne uprave kako bi namaknuo sredstva u slučaju da mora vojevati u Francuskoj. Na taj je način stvorio organiziranu državu koja je de facto mogla funkcionirati bez ličnosti vladara unutar njezinih granica. Svi su ti napreci stavljeni na kušnju za vrijeme rata Matilde, kćeri Henrika I. i Stjepana od Bloisa, kada je Engleska gorjela u ratu te je na koncu rat polučio novog vladara i novu dinastiju Plantageneta.Druga polovica 12. stoljeća izuzetno je zanimljiva i napeta jer tada dolazi do velikih sukoba između crkvenih i svjetovnih vlasti. Iako je kralj Henrik II. unaprijedio englesku upravu, poboljšao privredu i proširio svoje posjede u Francuskoj, to je morao činiti uz velike namete i suzbijanje plemićke i crkvene moći. Samim time nastalo je napeto stanje u Engleskoj koje je privremeno završilo u korist Crkve. Tijekom 12. stoljeća u Engleskoj vlada križarski naboj koji je mamio ljude u križarske pohode pa i samog engleskog kralja Rikarda I., koji će svoju slavu steći upravo u Trećem križarskom pohodu i tada će do izražaja doći snaga engleske uprave i države koja je funkcionirala bez kralja.Kako godine prolaze, tako i Engleska polako počinje zapadati u razdoblje buna i građanskih ratova zbog lošeg vladareva vodstva i sve snažnijih magnata koji su kralja prisilili da potpiše Veliku povelju sloboda i time ograničili kraljevsku moć. Kasnije na prijestolje stižu vladari koji su bili izuzetno vezani za Crkvu te gradili brojna zdanja kako bi spasili svoju dušu, iako im pri tome nije smetalo da ratuju po Francuskoj i Škotskoj. Na samome koncu stoji veliki ustanak i rat za nezavisnost Škotske koji će ujedno označiti i kraj engleskog razvijenog srednjeg vijeka. |
Abstract (english) | The Kingdom of England has a long and turmoiled past that dates back to the Early Middle Ages, and this land has always been the target of various invaders and because of that was, for many years, a great battlefield in the north. All these wars gave great rulers who ruled England and who putt England into dynastic struggles which ultimately resulted with England becoming Norman. With the arrival of Normans the transformation of English society begins with the construction of magnificent buildings throughout England, the process of feudalization is in full swing, the new nobility occupies the possession of Anglo-Saxon nobility and free peasants and the will of monarch are the low. After the death of two Williams, Henry I came to the throne and despite the fact that he succeeded a strong and well-organized state, he decided to improve the state administration system with goal to make more money in case that he had to fight in France. In this way he created very organized state that de facto could function without the presence of the king within its boundaries. Of course all these advances were put to the test during the war of Matilda, daughter of Henry I, and Stephen of Blois, when England was in civil war. With the end of the war came the new ruler, Henry II and, consequently, the new Plantagenet dynasty. The second half of the 12th century is extremely interesting and tense because of the fight that broke between ecclesiastical and secular authorities. Even when the King Henry II upgraded the English administration, boosted the economy, and expanded its holdings in France, it had to do all that with great efforts and, in the same time, by suppressing the power of nobility and ecclesiastical circles. In this way he created a tense situation in England that was temporarily ended for the benefit of the Church. During the 12th century in England and all of Europe crusading was popular thing to do so the English King Richard I decided to go and make glory in the Third Crusade. In this period English administration will prove that England can function without the need of constant presence of the king in the Realm. As the years pass by, England is slowly starting to fall into the time of rebellions and civil wars because of the bad rulers and the more powerful magnates who in the end forced the king to sign Magna Carta Libertatum. Barons used this document to limit the royal power. Later on the throne came rulers who were closely attached to the Church and built many buildings to save their souls. Even that did not stop them to wage war in France and Scotland. At the very end, there is an uprising and war against neighbors on the same island which will also mark the end of the High Middle Ages. |