Abstract | Pojam „igra“ povezujemo s pojmom zabave, ona u 20. stoljeću dobiva novu dimenziju s pojavom video igara, točnije Flipera. Igra kao vrsta zabave tada postaje interaktivna zabava, ne s drugom osobom već sa strojem. Kroz povijest video igre su se razvijale sve više, prvenstveno zahvaljujući programerima, koji su zaslužni za prve računalne igre. Prva računalna igra bila je „Spacewar“ iz 1961. Ocem video igara smatra se Ralph Bear, koji je dobio Nacionalnu medalju za tehnologiju (engl. National Medal of Technology). Igre koje ne sadrže elemente nasilja stimuliraju mozak na koncentraciju, razvijanje logičkog mišljenja, a kod djece razvijaju kreativnost. S druge strane, neka istraživanja pokazuju da nasilne igre mogu imati opasne učinke na mlade, da potiču agresivnost, nasilje, antidruštveno ponašanje i kriminalne aktivnosti, ovisnost i gubljenje vremena. Roditelji kako bi zaštitili svoju djecu od negativnih utjecaja video igara moraju biti dobro informirani, imati dobru komunikaciju s djetetom i indirektno kontrolirati djetetovo vrijeme provedeno igrajući se video igrom. |
Abstract (english) | The term "game" is associated with the term of entertainment, observing the game in this way, in the 20th century, it gets on a new dimension, the video games appeared. One of the first ones was Fliper. Since this time, game as a kind of entertainment has become interactive entertainment, not with another person, but with the machine. Throughout the history, video games have evolved more and more, primarily thanks to the programmers, who have created the first computer games. The first computer game was "Spacewar" from 1961. Ralph Bear is considered as Father of video games, he received the National Medal of Technology. Video games that do not contain elements of violence stimulate the brain to be in focus, develop logical thinking and help children to develop their creativity. On the other hand, some studies had shown that violent games can have dangerous effects on young people, to encourage aggression, violent behaviour, antisocial behavior and criminal activity, addiction and a waste of time. Parents, in order to protect their children from the negative effects of video games need to be well informed, have good communication with their child and to have indirectly control over child's time spent playing video game. |