Abstract | Rad se bavi istraživanjem djela koje veže slična tema odnosno lik, život ili sudbina. Realizam je termin koji potječe iz latinskog jezika (res – stvar, realis – stvaran, predmetan). U znanosti o književnosti javlja se u više značenja: kao književnopovijesni tipološki pojam označava književni i umjetnički pravac koji nastoji stvarnost prikazati vjerno, bez strasti, objektivno i bezlično. Ribarski sin, neobično nadaren za posao svojih predaka, dječak kojemu ribe same hrle u mrežu, postaje žrtva nezdravih ambicija svojih roditelja. Bio je tip učenika koji „sve zna, a ništa ne razumije“, uspio je završiti gimnaziju i pravni studij, ali to mu nije osiguralo sreću u životu i to ne zbog toga što bi on kao ribarski sin bio nesposoban za intelektualna zvanja, nego zato što za to nije imao ni ljubavi, a ni sklonosti. Marta je devetnaestogodišnja djevojka koja se školovala za učiteljicu razredne nastave, a prvi posao dobila je u selu Stankovcu te se morala preseliti iz rodnog Zagreba. Unatoč mnogim problemima oko selidbe i smještaja, a ponajviše zbog osude roditelja i stanovnika malenog mjesta, Marta ipak pronalazi sreću u Stankovcu. Luka sve što je od života htio, bila je Mara. Želio se skrasiti sa ženom svog života, imati obitelj i gospodarstvo. Sve bi to Luka umio i napravio samo da je Mara htjela. Živio je tolike godine kao samac, prosjak, kao čovjek ostavljen od sviju, ništa od toga nije ga dotuklo kao odbijanje voljene žene. Čak se ne bi moglo ni reći da je Luka želio zlo Mari, ili da je želio osvetu, on je samo želio biti sretan i voljen. Tena je mlada slavonska djevojka koja polako postaje najljepša u svome selu. U ranoj mladosti joj umire majka, te ona otkriva sve ljepote slobode, no prije nego što joj je majka umrla, odabrala joj je za zaručnika seoskog momka Jozu u čiju se kuću uskoro doselila. Tena ne mari za tuđe osjećaje, smatra da je bolja od drugih,jer je ljepša i da time zaslužuje sve što poželi. Njezina ljepota je jedina njezina kvaliteta, ali ona sebe smatra savršenom ženom. Nimalo ju ne dira što je ljubavnica oženjenim muškarcima jer smatra da je ona puno bolja od njihovih žena, a ne vidi da je zapravo ona ta koja je samo iskorištena zarad muških priča i hvaljenja. Ona nema granica i smišlja plan kako će živjeti s jednim a drugi će je hraniti i financirati. Tito je oženjen, Luka nesretno zaljubljen, Marta se udaje, a Tena žena niskog morala koja ipak pronalazi pravu ljubav. Ona koja se prva ističe kao poslovno uspješna žena bila bi Marta, Tito je cijenjen ali ponajviše samo u svom selu, Luka je bojazan drugih mještana ali ipak samo prosjak. Tena je na lošem glasu ali je i lijepa i mlada, Marta je mlada i obrazovana ali zaigrana i neozbiljna. Sve su te karakteristike zaslužne za njihov položaj u društvu koji povlači paralelu s odnosima u obitelji, poslovnom okruženju i poslovnom ali i ljubavnom uspjehu. Svi likovi koje smo upoznali i spominjali bili su jedinci. Luka i Marta su se preselili iz grada na selo, a Marta i Tena su se udale za umirovljene vojne invalide. Kod Tene i Tita možemo primijetiti niske moralne vrijednosti kod žena, ali su i Luka i Tena i Marta spoznali pravu ljubav. Svo troje likova barem jednom u životu bilo je iskreno zaljubljeno i voljelo svim srcem, samo Tito tu stranu nikada nije pokazao. |
Abstract (english) | This paper is based on the research of four different books with similar topics, which are character, life and destiny. Realism is the term with Latin roots (res – object, realis – real or tangible). In literature science we can find it with few different meanings: Literary Historical typological term marks literary and artistic direction which goal is to express realism as loyal, passionless, objective and faceless. Fisherman’s son called Tito, who is unusually talented for the work of his ancestors, boy who has fish themselves rush into the net, becomes the victim of his parent ‘s unhealthy ambitions. He was the type of student who knows everything but doesn’t understand anything. He was able to complete high school and law school; however, this did not bring him any happiness in his life. Not because he was incapable of intellectual pursuits as a fishing son, but because he neither had love or interest in the law itself. Marta is a nineteen-year-old girl who graduated as a teacher. Her first teaching job that she has accepted was in the village of Stankovac, which meant she had to move from her hometown of Zagreb to the village of Stankovac. Despite all the issues in the moving process, searching for accommodation, dealing with unhappy and judgmental parents and other members of the community, Marta finds her happiness in Stankovac. Everything that Luka wanted in his life, was Mara. He was planning on spending his life with Mara and their family on their farm. The only issue was Mara who didn’t want any of it. He spent all those years by himself as a homeless man, a man abended by everyone. Nothing in his life hurt him as much as the rejection of the loved woman. He didn’t hate Mara, nor he was looking for revenge, all he wanted was to be one loved and happy man. Tena is one gorgeous young woman who is becoming most beautiful in her village. Early in her life, she loses her mother which gives her an opportunity to learn all the beauties of freedom. Just before her mother died, she got engaged and moved in with a man called Joza. Tena doesn’t care about other people’s feelings, and she truly believes that she is better than other people. Just because she is good looking, she believes she could and should get whatever she desires. Her beauty is one and only thing she has. She believes she is perfect, and she doesn’t see the real picture where she is only used as a main topic in wealthy man’s bar stories. Tena doesn’t know the limits; she is building a plan where she can live with one man and be financed by others. Tito is married, Luka is heartbroken, Marta got married, and Tena, women with low moral qualities still finds her true love. The only one we can say succeeded in her life would be Marta. Tito is respected man, but only in his village. Despite the fact he is a homeless man, Luka gained some authority on the street. Tena is young and beautiful, but with bad reputation. Marta is young and educated, but frivolous. All those characteristics can be tied to their social status, and are directly connected with their family relations, work surroundings as well as their love status. All the characters that are mentions were an only child. Luka and Marta moved from the city to the country, Marta and Tena married veterans. Three characters was truly in love at least once in their life, only Tito never showed that side. |