Abstract | Ljudska evolucija će trajati onoliko dugo koliko ljudi postoje kao vrsta. Postoje mnoge nepoznanice u ljudskoj evoluciji. Svako novo otkriće o ljudskoj evoluciji je dio složenog mozaika koji nam pomaže razjasniti puno pitanja, a ne samo one o našim počecima, nego i o ponašanju vrste u cjelini. Zahvaljujući trudu i napornom radu mnogih znanstvenika kao što su Charles Darwin, Fiorenzo Facchini, Ivor Karavanić, Dragutin Gorjanović-Kramberger, ljudska evolucija je uspjela zamijeniti neke od rasističkih predrasuda koje su se u prapovijesti smatrale nerazvijene i primitivne.
Kroz povijest, ljudi su često bili na rubu izumiranja, ali su svoja znanja i kulturu prenosili na svoje potomstvo. Sa svakom novom kulturom pojavljivali su se novi tehnički izumi koji su olakšali ljudski život: više hrane, bolje odjeće, bolje građevine. Na kraju ledenog doba, klima se pogoršala. Mezolitik je prijelazno razdoblje, neolitik je bilo vrijeme kada se neolitska revolucija dogodila, ali je ljudski razvoj ostao isti. Nije bilo promjena u fizičkom izgledu. Poljoprivreda je postala ljudima siguran izvor hrane. Čovjek više nije imao potrebu da se kreće iz jednog mjesta na drugo tako često što je dovelo do veće stope nataliteta. S pojavom metal ere (bakar, bronca, i željeznog doba), čovjek je razvio trgovinu, pojavila su se država i slova. Međutim, razvoj čovjeka ostao je isti kao i tijekom mezolitika i neolitika. |
Abstract (english) | Human evolution will last for as long as humans exist as a species. There are many unknowns in human evolution. One of the unknowns is the kind of the Hominini which man evolved from. Hominin evolution did not go as planned; hence, many species which appeared disappeared without successors, often for reasons unknown. Each new discovery about human evolution is part of a complex mosaic which helps us clarify a lot of questions, not just the ones about our origings but also about behaviour of species in general. Thanks to the effort and hard work of many scientists such as Charles Darwin, Fiorenzo Facchini, Ivor Karavanić, Dragutin Gorjanović-Kramberger, human evolution has managed to replace some of the racist prejudices that prehistoric humans were considered underdeveloped, backward and primitive.
Throughout history, people were often on the verge of extinction, but they managed to avoid by linking group members much more and creating a culture which passed down knowledge and beliefs to their offspring. With each new culture new technical inventions emerged which made human life easier: more food, better clothing, better buildings. All of these cultures were developed by man to allow easier survival. At the end of the Ice Age, climate worsened. Mesolithic was a transitional period, Neolithic was the time when the Neolithic revolution occured, but human development remained the same. There was no change in physical appearance. Man replaced former hunting grounds and animals with agriculture. Agriculture allowed people a more secure source of food. Man no longer had the need to move from one place to another so often, which led to higher birth rate. With the emergence of metal eras (Copper, Bronze, and Iron Age), man developed trade, states and letters emerged. That's when prehistory stopped and history started. However, the development of man remained the same as during Mesolithic and Neolithic. |