Abstract | Sparta je bila specifičan polis, prava ratnička država kojoj je glavni cilj bio stvoriti neustrašivog i vještog ratnika, a ubrzo je, izuzevši Atenu, postala superiornija ostalim grčkim polisima. Imala je jedinstveno političko uređenje, čiji je začetnik bio Likurg. On je postavio temelje prema kojima će Sparta živjeti i kojima će težiti. Prema Likurgu, Spartanci su aristokrati i žive od zemljoradnje, među njima nema privatnog vlasništva, a sva zemlja u rukama je polisa. Prema ustavu bili su podijeljeni u tri klase: Spartijate, perijece i helote.
Za razliku od najvećeg rivala, Atene, Sparta nije vidjela smisao u razvijanju umjetnosti i filozofije, već se žestoko držala svojih ideala, stvoriti snažnog ratnika koji će uspješno braniti svoju državu. Likurg je posebnu pažnju posvetio odgoju dječaka što je detaljno zapisao grčki filozof Plutarh. Iako veoma brutalna i nehumana, obuka koju su mogli završiti samo „zdravi“ dječaci pokazala se izrazito učinkovitom jer su Spartanci smatrani najboljim vojnicima antičke Grčke, vojnicima koji su pobijedili čak i strah.
Sparta je prema ženama bila vrlo liberalna, njihova je glavna uloga bila, kao i u ostatku antičke Grčke, rađati djecu, ali su u Sparti žene imale puno bolji položaj jer je rađanje djece značilo rađanje novih ratnika, što je Spartancima bilo i najbitnije. Zato je žena u Sparti imala veliku vrijednost, a bilo joj je omogućeno i obrazovanje. To je Spartanke činilo neovisnima pa su hrabro sudjelovale u političkom životu. |
Abstract (english) | Sparta was a specific polis, a true warrior state whose main objective was to create a fearless and skilled warrior. It soon became superior to other Greek polises, except for Athens. Sparta had a unique political system, whose initiator was Lycurgus. He laid the foundations by which Sparta was supposed to live and aspire. According to Lycurgus, the Spartans are aristocrats and live off farming. There is no private property among them and all the land is in the hands of the polis. According to the constituion, the Spartans were divided into three classes: spartiates, perioeci, and the helots.
Unlike its rival, Athens, Sparta did not see the point of developing art and philosophy, but fiercely held to its ideals which were supposed to create a powerful warrior who will successfully defend their country. Lycurgus paid special attention to the upbringing of boys which was written by the Greek philosopher Plutarch in detail. Although very brutal and inhumane, the training which could be completed only by healthy boys, proved to be very effective because the Spartans were considered the best soldiers of ancient Greece, the soldiers who defeated even fear.
Sparta was very liberal to its women. Their main role was, as in the rest of ancient Greece, to have babies. The women of Sparta were in a much better position since giving birth meant giving birth to new warriors, what was the most important thing to the Spartans. That's why the women of Sparta had a great value and were even allowed get an education. All that made them independent and they bravely took part in political life. |