Title Analiza tržišnih manjkavosti
Title (english) Analysis of Market Failures
Author Ines Paušić
Mentor Daniel Tomić (mentor)
Committee member Saša Stjepanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniel Tomić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dean Učkar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2020-09-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad istražuje probleme tržišnih manjkavosti zbog postojanja eksternalija, javnih dobara, tržišne moći i asimetričnih informacija. U radu se navedenim problemima prilazi sa teorijskog i praktičnog aspekta. Teorijski aspekt obuhvaća definiranje uvjeta savršenog tržišta, vrsta tržišnih neuspjeha i tradicionalnih načina njihovog rješavanja pri čemu je korištena strana literatura. Praktični aspekt odnosi se na inkorporiranje teorije u primjerima na nacionalnoj i svjetskoj razini koji su bazirani na mrežno dostupnim proračunima države, odlukama predstavničkih tijela država, konsolidiranim financijskim izvješćima poduzeća, donesenim zakonima te podacima o ponudi poduzeća i osiguranja. Zbog generiranja negativnih eksternalija koje je rezultiralo ugrožavanjem zdravlja lokalnog stanovništva i naposlijetku smrću jedne osobe poduzeće Heineken Hrvatska d.o.o. kažnjeno je novčanom kaznom od tri milijuna kuna te su odgovorne osobe poduzeća pritvorene. Nije moguća privatna ponuda javnog dobra nacionalne obrane te isto tako nije moguće isključiti pojedince koji uživaju koristi javnog dobra a ne sudjeluju u financiranju istih već troškove njihovog uživanja javnih dobara snosi netko drugi. Monopolist Burroughs Wellcome patentira lijek koji produžuje život AIDS pacijentima te u jeku pandemije AIDS-a 1980-ih predstavlja jedini spas na tržištu za AIDS pacijente te to masno iskorištava naplatom diskutabilnih cijena. Zbog postojanja kartela četrnaest autoškola sa područja Splita i šireg splitskog područja u potpunosti se eliminira konkurencija na štetu drugih tržišnih utakmica, potrošača i gospodarstva u cijelini. Prekomjerno preuzimanje rizika američkih autokompanija a posebice General Motors-a rezultira ekonomskim gubicima što je vodilo paketima financijske pomoći Vlade SAD-a čime su se poticala ponovna rizična ponašanja upravitelja drugih velikih kompanija. U slučaju osiguravajućeg društva UNIQA, nepoželjni izbor nastaje pružanjem nevjerodostojnih informacija potencijalnog osiguranika te samoprocjenom ljudi da im ne prijeti rizik obolijevanja.
Abstract (english) This graduate work explores the problems of market failures due to the existence of externalities, public goods, market power and asymmetric information. The work approaches these problems from a theoretical and practical aspect. The theoretical aspect includes defining perfect market conditions, types of market failures and traditional ways of solving them, using foreign literature. The practical aspect refers to the theory incorporation into examples at the national and global level based on online available country income statement, representative bodies decisions, consolidated financial statements of companies, enacted laws and data of companies and insurance supply. Due to the production of negative externalities that resulted in endangering the health of the local population and ultimately the death of one person, the company Heineken Croatia Ltd. was fined three million kunas and the company responsible persons were detained. It is impossible to offer a public good of the national defense and it is also not possible to exclude individuals who enjoy the benefits of the public good and don't participate in their financing, but the costs of their enjoyment of public goods are borne by someone else. Monopolist Burroughs Wellcome patents a drug that prolongs the lives of AIDS patients and in the midst of the AIDS pandemic of the 1980s is the only salvation on the market for AIDS patients, and company is taking advantage of it by charging questionable prices. Due to the existence of a cartel of fourteen driving schools from the area of Split and the wider Split area, competition is completely eliminated to the detriment of other market competitions, consumers and the economy as a whole. Excessive risk-taking by U.S. auto companies, General Motors in particular, has resulted in economic losses leading to U.S. Government financial aid packages that encourages re-risk behaviors by managers of other large companies. In the case of the insurance company UNIQA, adverse selection occurs by providing unreliable information of potential insured individual and by self-assessment of people that they are not at risk of the disease.
javna dobra
moralni hazard
nepoželjan izbor
Keywords (english)
public goods
moral hazard
adverse selection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:002636
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-09-10 18:55:35