Title Metodički pristup nastavi procesa zdravstvene njege - utvrđivanje potreba za zdravstvenom njegom
Title (english) Methodical approaches in teaching nursing process - assessment
Author Vanja Crnjin Đurić
Mentor Dijana Majstorović (mentor)
Mentor Igor Dobrača (sumentor)
Committee member Emina Pustijanac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Majstorović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božana Ilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Dobrača (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty od Medicine) Pula
Defense date and country 2020-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Proces zdravstvene njege karakterizira samoinicijativno, namjerno, sustavno i planski prikupljanje podataka o pacijentovim problemima iz područja zdravstvene njege. Ovakav je pristup racionalan i utemeljen na znanstvenim spoznajama. Omogućava postavljanje temeljnih pravila utvrđivanja potreba, planiranja, provođenja i evaluacije procesa zdravstvene njege. Proces zdravstvene njege poučava se na prvoj godini preddiplomskoga studija sestrinstva, omogućavajući medicinskim sestrama da djeluju na
... More profesionalan način, ne samo u praksi već i u znanstveno-istraživačkom radu. Kako bi postigli očekivane ciljeve i ishode kolegija nastavnici kombiniraju i primjenjuju različite metodičke pristupe u nastavi procesa zdravstvene njege. Metodički pristupi obrađeni u radu su: problemska, eksplikativna, istraživačka, i mentorski pristup u nastave. Cilj rada: izraditi prvo poglavlje radne bilježnice s prikazom imaginarnoga slučaja i zadacima za prvu fazu procesa zdravstvene njege. Cilj je različitim vrstama zadataka omogućiti studentu da se kroz rad u praktikumu na prikazu slučaja pripremi za kliničke vježbe u realnom okruženju. Materijali i metode: sustavni pregled literature, pregled i analiza radnih materijala, Core curriculuma preddiplomskoga studijskog programa Sestrinstvo i izvedbenih nastavnih planova kolegija Proces zdravstvene njege na visokoškolskim ustanovama, pretraživanje portala Hrčak i PubMed. Za izradu radne bilježnice korišten je mrežni grafički uređivač Canva. Materijali su se prikupljali od 2018. do 2020. godine kroz demonstraturu na kolegiju Proces zdravstvene njege. Rezultati: napisano prvo poglavlje radne bilježnice sa zadacima i prikazom imaginarnoga slučaja za prvu fazu procesa zdravstvene njege - utvrđivanje potrebe za zdravstvenom njegom, bez rješenja. U uvodu za svaku podfazu utvrđivanja potreba za zdravstvenom njegom napisani su planirani ishodi učenja. Prvo poglavlje radne bilježnice sadrži 110 zadataka. Vrste zadataka koji su korišteni su zadatci višestrukog izbora/odgovora, pridruživanja, točno - netočno, dopunjavanja i problemski. Zaključak: svrha radne bilježnice pomoć je studentu u aktivnom učenju, kako bi se ostvarili planirani ishodi učenja i kako bi se studenti pripremili za rad u kliničkoj praksi. Ovakvoj vrsti istraživanja pristupili smo kako bismo pružili podatke koji će pomoći u daljnjem planiranju nastave, i kako bi studenti sa što većom lakoćom usvojili potrebna znanja i stekli potrebne kompetencije. Less
Abstract (english) The process of health care is characterized by self initiative, intentional, systemic and planned recollection of data about patient's problems from the field of health care. This kind of approach is rationalized and founded on scientific knowledge. It allows the setting of fundamental rules of determining needs, planning, immplementation and evaluation of the process of health care. The process of health care is being teached at the first year of study allowing the nurses to act in a
... More professional manner not just in praxis but also in scientific research work. In order to achieve the expected goals and outcomes of the class, the teachers combine and apply different methodical
approaches in health care process classes. The methodical approaches processed in this work are problematic, research, explicit and mentoring approach. The goal of work is to produce first chapter of work book with the representation of imaginary case and the tasks for the first phase of the health care process. The goal is to use different types of tasks to allow student to be prepared for clinical practices in real life environment. The methods and the material : the systemic overview of literature, the overview and analysis of working materials, Core curriculum of the Health Sciences study bachelor’s degree and educational plan and program for this class in educational institutions, search of the Hrčak and PubMed portals. In order to make work book, i used the graphics editor CANVA. The materials were collected from 2018 till 2020 through demonstration in class of The process of health care. The results: i wrote the first chapter of work book with the tasks and representation of imaginary case for the first phase of the process of health care - determining the need for health care, no solution. The planned outcomes of studying are written in the introduction for each subphase of determining need for health care. The first chapter of the workbook contains 110 questions. The types of used questions are multiple choice answers, joining, true or false, complementary and problem tasks. Conclusion: the purpose of the workbook is to assist the students in active learning, to help achieve the planned learning outcomes and to prepare students for work in clinical practice. We approached this type of research in order to provide data that will help in the daily planning of classes, and in order for students to acquire the necessary knowledge and acquire the necessary competencies as easily as possible. Less
proces zdravstvene njege metodika
radna bilježnica
ishodi učenja
utvrđivanje potreba
Keywords (english)
Health care process methodology
learning outcomes
identification of needs
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:088029
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-10-26 14:03:27