Title Održivi turizam nacionalnih parkova
Title (english) Sustainable Tourism of National Parks
Author Mattea Kešac
Mentor Jasmina Gržinić (mentor)
Committee member Moira Kostić Bobanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Gržinić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branko Bogunović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2021-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Nacionalni parkovi definiraju se kao najkompleksnija zaštićena prirodna bogatstva, to su uglavnom velike prostorne cijeline koje sadrže visoki stupanj očuvanosti neugroženeprirode. Kao zaštićena dobra proglašena su iz razloga jer im je osnovni cilj zaštita prirodnih vrijednosti u određenom prostoru te kontrolirano korištenje istih za potrebe turizma, edukacije i određenih istraživanja. Tako se javlja potreba za održivim turizmom na ovakvim područjima, kojeg je potrebno konstantno razvijati, što uistinu nije lagan proces. U nacionalnimjeparkovima održivi turizam vrlo bitan, potiče turističke pakete s određenim naglaskom na ekološki odgovorne akcije te samim time igra važnu ulogu u očuvanju kulturne baštine lokalnih stanovnika te tako pridonosi i razvoju gospodarstva istih. Pojavom održivog turizma javljaju se i određeni indikatori održivosti s kojima je turizam povezan, a to su ekonomski, ekološki i sociokulturni indikatori koji su vrlo bitni za upravljanje održivim turizmom. Vrlo su važni jer ukazuju na moguće probleme prilikom razvoja turizma, odnosno drugim riječima mjerilo su rizika i potrebe za djelovanjem. U svrhu navedenog provedeno je istraživanje Nacionalnog parka Krkakoji se ubraja u tri najposjećenija nacionalna parka Hrvatske. NP Krka vrlo intenzivno upravlja održivim turizmom, godišnjim anketiranjem posjetitelja uvažava njihove primjedbe teži rješavanju istih, također Javna ustanova nacionalnog parka sudjeluje u mnogim ekološko –edukativnim projektima koji im pomažu da se park sve više razvija u skladu s paradigmom održivosti. Na kraju, kako je posjećenost zaštićenim područjima sve veća, vrlo je bitno ulaganje u budući razvoj održivog turizma za što je potrebno praćenje trendova kako na lokalnoj tako i na globalnoj razini.
Abstract (english) National parks are defined as the most complex protected natural resources, they are mostly large spatial units that contain a high degree of preservation of unspoiled nature. They have been declared protected goods because their main goal is the protection of natural values in a certain area and the controlled use of the same for the needs of tourism, education and certain research. Thus, there is a need for sustainable tourism in such areas, which needs to be constantly developed, which is really not aneasy process. In national parks, sustainable tourism is very important, it encourages tourist packages with a certain emphasis on environmentally responsible actions and thus plays an important role in preserving the cultural heritage of local residents and thus contributes to the development of their economy. With the emergence of sustainable tourism, there are certain indicators of sustainability with which tourism is associated, and these are economic, environmental and socio-cultural indicators that are very important for the management of sustainable tourism. They are very important because they indicate possible problems in the development of tourism, in other words, they are a measure of risk and the need for action. For the purpose of theabove, a survey of the Krka National Park was conducted, which is one of the three most visited national parks in Croatia. NP Krka very intensively manages sustainable tourism, annual survey of visitors takes into account their remarks and strives to solve them, also the National Park Public Institution participates in many environmental -educational projects that help them to develop the park in accordance with the paradigm of sustainability. As the number of visitors to protected areas is increasing, it is very important to invest in the future development of sustainable tourism, which requires monitoring trends both locally and globally.
održivi turizam
nacionalni parkovi
NP Krka
budući trendovi
Keywords (english)
sustainable tourism
national parks
NP Krka
future trends
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:248220
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Finance, Economics, Financial Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Marketing Management, Business Informatics, Tourism; specializations in: Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Business Informatics, Financial Management, Informatics Management Course: Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-07-12 14:27:37