Abstract | Ideja o matrijarhatu nastala je pronalaskom figurica žena iz doba paleolitka i neolitika. Figurice su često objašnjavane kao prikazi religijskih bića, tumačene su kao dokaz matrijarhata. Raznovrsnost u životu žena u starom vijeku može se pratiti kroz egipatsku, starobabilonsku, grčku te rimsku civilizaciju, a svima im je zajednička podređenost muškarcima.
U srednjem vijeku žena se smatrala nesposobnom brinuti se o sebi, nesposobnim bićem te bićem koji je sklon grijehu. Upravo zbog toga je žena trebala nadzor. Najčešće brata, muža ili oca. Društvo je ženi nametnulo ulogu produljivanje loze, tj. obitelji rađanjem brojnog potomstva. Žene u novom vijeku su primarnu zadaću imale u kućanstvu i prilikom brige za djecu. Od zanimanja se najčešće spominje medicinska sestra. Prvi nositelj medicinske aktivnosti bila je žena, majka, vođena materinskim instinktom.
Pojavom industrijalizacije život žena kućanica uvelike se promijenio. Došlo je do zapošljavanja žena u tvornicama tekstila. Žene su bile zaposlene u prvoj industrijskoj revoluciji u predionicama i tkaonicama. Sredinom 18. stoljeća pojavljuje se pokret feminizma s ciljem prava glasa ženama i ravnopravnosti u društvu. Prvi i Drugi svjetski rat zaustavio djelovanje sufražetskog pokreta te je ujedinio žene u mnogim zemljama u brizi oko države i opće dobrobiti.
U komunizmu je na primarnoj razini vidljiv nezavidan položaj žene u obitelji, što u velikoj mjeri ovisi o postavljenim vrijednostima koji se poštuju unutar obitelji. Najznačajnija karakteristika moderne i postmoderne u obrazovanju žena i na tržištu rada jest veliki postotak žena u radnoj snazi tržišta rada kao rezultat globalizacijskih procesa, širenja industrijalizacije te emancipacijskih pokreta žena. Zanimanja koja žene počinju raditi prate tu ideologiju kroz stavljanje muških i ženskih radnika u niše zanimanja koje su morale biti primjerene za njihove biološke spolne uloge. Taj nesrazmjer vidljiv je i danas s obzirom na razliku u plaći u prosjeku od 14,1% za ista radna mjesta prema podacima iz 2019. godine. |
Abstract (english) | The idea of matriarchy arose from the invention of figurines of women from the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. The figurines were often explained as depictions of religious beings, interpreted as evidence of matriarchy. Diversity in the lives of women in ancient times can be traced through the Egyptian, ancient Babylonian, Greek and Roman civilizations, and they all share a common subordination to men.
In the Middle Ages, a woman was considered incapable of taking care of herself, an incapable being, and a being prone to sin. That’s why the woman needed supervision. Usually a brother, husband or father. Society imposed on women the role of prolonging the lineage, ie the family, by giving birth to numerous offspring. Women in the new age had a primary task in the household and in caring for children. Of the occupations, the nurse is most often mentioned. The first bearer of medical activity was a woman, a mother, guided by maternal instinct.
With the advent of industrialization, the lives of women housewives have changed greatly. There was employment of women in textile factories. Women were employed in the first industrial revolution in spinning mills and weaving mills. In the middle of the 18th century, a feminism movement emerged with the goal of women's suffrage and equality in society. The First and Second World Wars halted the activities of the suffragette movement and united women in many countries in concern for the state and the common good.
In communism, the unenviable position of women in the family is visible at the primary level, which largely depends on the set values that are respected within the family. The most significant characteristic of modern and postmodern in women's education and the labor market is the large percentage of women in the labor market as a result of globalization processes, the spread of industrialization and women's emancipatory movements. The occupations that women begin to pursue follow this ideology through placing male and female workers in niche occupations that had to be appropriate for their biological gender roles. This disparity is still visible today, given the difference in salary on average of 14.1% for the same jobs according to data from 2019. |