Abstract | Ovaj rad se bavi proučavanjem i analiziranjem turističko – geografskih obilježja atrakcijske osnove Švedske. Švedska je mirna zemlja bez političkih sukoba, koja se nalazi na Skandinavskom poluotoku između Norveške i Finske. Dijeli se na tri glavne regije, Sjever, Jug i središnji dio. Prometno geografski položaj joj je izazovan zbog samog položaja zemlje. No, ipak razvija sve vrste prijevoza i drži do održivosti. Zemlja obiluje prirodnim atrakcijama kao što su jezera i nacionalni parkovi, no klima joj ne pogoduje razvoju turizma pa tako Švedska nema razvijen ljetni masovni turizam. Unatoč klimi, Švedska je iskoristila svoje potencijale i mane preobrazila u prednosti te razvila selektivne oblike turizma pa tako u zemlji ima za svakoga po nešto. Većina stanovnika se nalazi u tri najveća grada, Stockholmu, Gothenburgu i Malmu pa je ta jezerska regija i najposjećenija. Sjever joj obiluje šumama. Osim prirodnih atrakcija, središnji i južni dio Švedske obiluje i antropogenom atrakcijskom osnovom pa tako Švedska ima 15 mjesta pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. Može se reći da obiluje kulturnim znamenitostima. Također, od značaja za turizam su joj i manifestacije te muzeji. Od posebnih oblika turizma najrazvijeni su joj urbani, kulturni, poslovni, ekoturizam, pustolovni, ruralni i zimski turizam, no ima potencijala i za razvoj ostalih posebnih oblika turizma. Švedska ima razvijen domaći turizam više nego međunarodni pa joj tako manji broj noćenja zauzimaju međunarodni turisti. Što se tiče međunarodnih dolazaka turista u zemlju, vidljivo je da je brojka u porastu. Švedskoj je turizam u razvoju iako joj nije glavni izvor prihoda. |
Abstract (english) | This paper deals with the study and analysis of the touristical and geographical features of atractional basis of Sweden. Sweden is a peaceful country without political conflicts, located on the Scandinavian Peninsula between Norway and Finland. It is divided into three main regions, North, South and Central region. Its traffic-geographical position is challenging due to the very position of the country itself. But it still develops all types of transportation and sticks to sustainability. The country is rich in natural attractions such as lakes and national parks, but its climate is not conducive to the development of tourism, so Sweden does not have developed summer mass tourism. Despite the climate, Sweden has used its potentials and transformed its shortcomings into advantages and developed selective forms of tourism, so there is something for everyone in the country. Most of the inhabitants are located in the three largest cities, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, so this lake region is the most visited. The north is rich in forests. In addition to natural attractions, the central and southern part of Sweden is rich in anthropogenic attractions, so Sweden has 15 places under UNESCO protection. It can be said to abound in cultural sights. Also important for tourism are its events and musems. Out of the selective forms of tourism, the most developed are urban, cultural, business, ecotourism, adventure, rural and winter tourism, but it also has the potential for the development of other selective forms of tourism. Sweden has developed domestic tourism more than international, so it has a smaller number of nights spent by international tourists. As for the international arrivals of tourists in the country, it is evident that the number is on the rise. Sweden has a developing tourism industry, although it is not its main source of income. |