Title Stilovi odlučivanja
Title (english) Decision-Making Styles
Author Petra Cestarić
Mentor Sabina Lacmanović (mentor)
Committee member Danijela Rabar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sabina Lacmanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lela Tijanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2020-09-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Odlučivanje je proces koji se sastoji od odgovora na tri pitanja: što je novonastali
problem, koja su moguća rješenja, te koje je odgovarajuće rješenje. Odlučivanje
obuhvaća odabir između minimalno dvije različite mogućnosti. Odluka predstavlja izbor
između više mogućih aktivnosti koje su usmjerene ka ostvarenju cilja, ona mora biti
precizna, jasna, nedvosmislena, te ostvariva i donesena u pravo vrijeme.
U teoriji i praksi menadžerskog odlučivanja susrećemo se sa raznim stilovima
odlučivanja. Prema P. Sikavici et. al. dva su osnovna stila odlučivanja: autokratski i
demokratski stil odlučivanja. Kod autokratskog stila odlučivanja jedna osoba ima vlast
i moć u odlučivanju koja je neograničena dok svi ostali zaposlenici samo izvršavaju
donesene odluke glavnog menadžera. Demokratski stil usmjeren je na niže razine
menadžmenta te uključuje i njihove suradnike, kao i druge zaposlenike u procesu
odlučivanja. On je najviše istaknut u suvremenim kompanijama, dok je autokratski
komplementaran sa manjim poduzećima. Oba stila se trebaju prilagođavati određenoj
poslovnoj situaciji i veličini organizacije.
Za koji će se stil odlučivanja odlučiti menadžer ovisi o dva bitna odnosno ključna
faktora, a to su količina informacija koju menadžer posjeduje i broj inačica za
rješavanje problema.
Individualne, organizacijske i kulturološke varijable su ključne za primjenu odabranog
stila, te utječu na uspjeh / neuspjeh provedbe odluke.
Hrvatsko poduzeće Offertissima d.o.o. kroz prikazane situacije i postupke direktora
pravi je dokaz kako je demokratski stil uistinu dobar način odlučivanja što se očituje u
tome da uspješno posluje već 25 godina.
Abstract (english) Decision-making is a process that consists of answering three questions: what is the
new problem, what are the possible solutions, and what is the appropriate solution.
Decision making involves choosing between a minimum of two different options. The
decision is a choice between several possible activities aimed at achieving the goal, it
must be precise, clear, unambiguous, and achievable and made at the right time.
In the theory and practice of managerial decision making we encounter various
decision making styles. According to P. Sikavici et. al. there are two basic decisionmaking
styles: autocratic and democratic decision-making style. In an autocratic
decision-making style, one person has power and decision-making power that is
unlimited while all other employees only execute the decisions made by the general
manager. The democratic style is aimed at lower levels of management and includes
their associates as well as other employees in the decision-making process. It is most
prominent in modern companies, while it is autocratically complementary with smaller
companies. Both styles need to be tailored to the specific business situation and size
of the organization.
Which decision-making style the manager will choose depends on two important or
key factors, namely the amount of information that the manager has and the number
of version for solving the problem.
Individual, organizational and cultural variables are key to the application of the chosen
style, and influence the success / failure of the implementation of the decision.
Croatian company Offertissima d.o.o. through the presented situations and actions of
the director, it is a real proof that the democratic style is a really good way of decisionmaking,
which is manifested in the fact that it has been operating successfully for 25
stil odlučivanja
Keywords (english)
decision making
decision style
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:268204
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Finance, Economics, Financial Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Marketing Management, Business Informatics, Tourism; specializations in: Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Business Informatics, Financial Management, Informatics Management Course: Management and Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-02-11 15:00:57