Abstract | Matija Vlačić Ilirik, najpoznatiji humanist i reformator iz Istre, još poznat kao Flacius, ušao je u reformaciju zahvaljujući svom rođaku Baldi Lupetini. Vlačić nosi titulu jednog od najplodnijih pisaca u povijesti te su njegovi spisi i dan danas u europskim bibliotekama izvor misaone spoznaje zapadnoeuropskog svijeta. Vlačić je napisao je oko 200 spisa, od kojih mnogi nikada nisu objavljeni. Vlačić je bio drugačiji od drugih time što je slušao svoju vlastitu savjest. Zbog svoje uživljenosti u crkvene učitelje i pisce prvih stoljeća pisao je u njihovom tonu. Zbog svojeg porijekla bio je stalno kočen, omalovažavan i žrtva sumnjičenja. U završnom radu prikazan je život i djelo Matije Vlačića i njegovi odnosi s istarskim reformatorima, suradnicima Uraške tiskare. Uraška tiskara u kojoj su tiskane knjige na hrvatskom jeziku, na glagoljici, ćirilici i latinici predstavlja jedinstveni dio hrvatske kulturne baštine i identiteta te ima veliko značenje u kulturi, znanostima prevođenja i izdavaštvu. Kada se govori o Urachu kao projektu, uglavnom se misli na hrvatski biblijsko-prevoditeljski krug koji je Ungnadove prostorije dvorca Amandenhof koristio za pripremu tiska knjige na glagoljici, ćirilici i latinici. Osnivač tiskare u Urachu koja se nalazila u blizini Tübingena bio je kapetan Štajerske i veliki župan varaždinski Ivan Ungnad. Od Vojvode Kristofa od Württemberga dobio je na dar bivši kartuzijanski samostan i dvorac Amandenhof. U prostorijama Amandenhofa bila je smještena tiskara te za nju potrebno osoblje. Od otprilike 30 000 tiskanih knjiga iz ove tiskare danas je sačuvano samo oko 250 primjeraka koji se većinom nalaze u njemačkim knjižnicama. |
Abstract (english) | Matija Vlačić Ilirik, the most famous humanist and reformer from Istria, also known as Flacius, entered the Reformation because of his cousin Balda Lupetina. Flacius bears the title of one of the most prolific writers in history, and his writings are still a source of thought in the European world in Western European libraries. Flacius, as the most prolific writer of his time, wrote about 200 writings, many of which were never published. Flacius was different from others because he was listening to his own conscience. Because of his enjoyment of church teachers and writers of the first centuries, he wrote in their tone. Because of his origin, he was constantly braked, belittled and a victim of suspicion. Printing house in Urach where books were printed in Croatian, Glagolitic, Cyrillic and Latin represents a unique part of Croatian cultural heritage and identity and has great significance in culture, translation sciences and publishing. When it comes to Urach as a project, it mainly refers to the Croatian biblical-translation circle that Ungnad's premises of the Amanedehof castle used to prepare the printing of the book in Glagolitic, Cyrillic and Latin. The founder of the printing house in Urach, which was located near Tübingen, was the captain of Styria and the great prefect of Varaždin, Ivan Ungnad. From Duke Christoph of Württemberg he received as a gift the former Carthusian monastery and castle Amandenhof. In rooms of Amandenhof was set a printing house with for it needed staff. Of the approximately 30,000 printed books from this printing house, only about 250 copies were saved till today, most of which are in German libraries. |