Title Korištenje softverskih rješenja u detekciji prevara
Title (english) Software aplication in freud detection
Author Ante Koljanin
Mentor Robert Zenzerović (mentor)
Committee member Ksenija Černe (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Zenzerović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ticijan Peruško (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2021-01-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Accounting
Abstract Globalizacijom financijskih tržišta, razvojem suvremenih informatičkih tehnologija u
funkciji financijskih tržišta i poslovanja dolazi do sve češćih manipulacija. Razlog tome
je što u vrijeme pada ekonomije ljudi prelaze granice koje inače ne bi prešli i tada
aktivnosti pronevjere često izlaze na vidjelo. Pronevjera ne mora uvijek biti fizička,
suvremena ekonomija sve više otkriva razne manipulacije kojima se pronevjere čine
upravo u financijskim izvještajima modificiranjem stvarnog stanja poduzeća.
Manipulacijama se nastoji doći do brze i lake zarade raspoloživim, dopuštenim ili
nedopuštenim sredstvima. Stoga je razumljivo da su manipulacije u financijskim
izvještajima učestale u svakodnevnom poslovanju. Računovodstvenim prezentiranjem
poslovnih podataka menadžment nastoji ovladati tržištem i ostvariti druge koristi koje
se od njega očekuju. Manipulacije su najčešće brže od regulatornih tijela, te se njihovo
popravljanje ili ublažavanje javlja tek nakon izbijanja slučajeva što uglavnom donosi
velike gubitke. Forenzično računovodstvo je usmjereno na otkrivanje tih manipulacija i
prijevara koje su sve učestalije u modernim ekonomijama. Manipulacije financijskim
izvještajima najčešće su legalne i u dozvoljenim zakonskim okvirima. Međutim, tanka
je granica između legalnih i ilegalnih radnji, a pritisak tržišta nad poslovnim subjektima
sve je veći. U radu su prikazana softverska rješenja, odnosno računalno potpomognuti
alati i tehnike (CAATTs alati) koje se koriste u detekciji prijevara u financijskim
izvještajima, te je provedeno istraživanje kojim se u radu pokazalo da velika većina
revizorskih društava, kao i ovlaštenih revizora, koristi softverska rješenja, odnosno
CAATTs alate, u svojem radu, iako imaju tek skromno iskustvo u korištenju istih, pa se
može s pravom pretpostaviti da bi se većim angažmanom ovlaštenih revizora u
savladavanju vještina korištenja CAATTs alata mogla značajno poboljšati kvaliteta
njihova rada i detekcije prijevara u financijskim izvještajima.
Abstract (english) Globalization of financial markets and the development of modern information
technologies lead to more frequent manipulations. The reason is contained in the fact
that during the economic downturn people are crossing the borders that wouldn't be
crossed otherwise and the fraudulent activities often come to light. Embezzlements in
modern economy are more often visible through manipulations in the financial
statements, modifying the actual position of the company. Manipulation is used to
reach quick and easy earnings through available, admissible or inadmissible facilities.
Therefore, it is understandable that the manipulation in financial statements are
common in day-to-day operations. Management is trying to engross the market and
achieve other benefits through accounting presentation of business data.
Manipulations are usually faster than regulators and their reformation or mitigation
occurs only after the outbreak of case, which usually brings heavy losses. Forensic
accounting is focused on the detection of this kind of manipulations and frauds that are
increasingly common in modern economies. Manipulations of financial statements
usually are legal and legitimate. However, the line between legal and illegal activities
is very thin, and the market pressure over the business entities is increasing. The paper
presents software solutions, that is used as computer-assisted tools and techniques
(CAATTs) in fraud detection in financial statements and proves research which showed
that most audit firms, as well as certified auditors, use software solutions, such as
CAATTs, in their work, although they have only modest experience in using them, so
it can be rightly assumed that greater engagement of certified auditors in mastering
the skill of using CAATTs tools can significantly improve the quality of their work and
fraud detection in financial statements.
računovodstvene prijevare
kreativno računovodstvo
prijevarno financijsko izvještavanje
prevencija manipulacija
CAATTs alati
Keywords (english)
accounting fraud
creative accounting
fraudulent financial reporting
prevention of manipulation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:314934
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Financial Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-06-09 08:45:08