Title Istarsko dvoglasje kao živa tradicija
Title (english) Istrian two part singing as a living tradition
Author Zoran Karlić
Mentor Slaven Bertoša (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Gržinić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slaven Bertoša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2022-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Ethnology and Anthropology Folklore Studies
Abstract Dvoglasje tijesnih intervala Istre i Hrvatskog primorja predstavlja fenomen nematerijalne kulturne baštine od iznimnog značaja, a kao kompleksan se folklorni stil od 2009. nalazi na UNESCO-ovoj reprezentativnoj listi nematerijalne kulturne baštine čovječanstva. Najintenzivnije se prakticira u Istri, Hrvatskom primorju te na otoku Krku. Dvoglasje tijesnih intervala sadrži nekoliko žanrova i stilova izvođenja: kanat, taranjkanje, bugarenje i diskantno dvoglasje. Specifični instrumenti su sopele (roženice ili sopile), mih, pive, šurle i dvojnice od aerofonih te cindra od kordofonih glazbala. Osim u kulturno umjetničkim društvima, istarsko se dvoglasje izvodi u različitim okolnostima, i to kroz neformalna druženja, na pogrebima, vjenčanjima, proslavama, etno glazbu te u svakodnevnom životu. U tradiciji isprepletenoj kontinuitetom promjena, vidljivo je da glazbenici pribjegavaju umjetnim materijala za izradu glazbala i piskova. Također, prisutan je značajan broj virtuoza koji dvoglasje upotrebljava izvan standardiziranih pravila te primjenjuje osobna iskustva u popularizaciji tog žanra. Živost istarskog dvoglasja se u ovom radu prikazuje na primjeru svirača i pjevača mlađe generacije, istaknutim virtuozima, radu kulturno umjetničkih udruga te kroz atipične izričaje koji ga potvrđuju kao živo i autentično iskustvo sadašnjosti prožeto prošlošću.
Abstract (english) Two-part narrow-interval singing of Istria and the Croatian Littoral presents a phenomenon of intangible cultural heritage of exceptional importance. As a complex folklore style, from 2009. it has been on the UNESCO's representative list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity. It is most intensely practised in Istria, the Croatian Littoral and the island Krk. Two-part narrow-interval singing contains several genres and styles of performance: kanat, tarankanje, bugarenje and discant. Specific instruments are sopele (roženice or sopile), mih, pive, šurle and dvojnice among aerophones, and cindra as a chordophone. Apart from folklore ensembles, Istrian two-part singing is performed in various circumstances, through informal gatherings, funerals, weddings, celebrations, in ethno music and everyday life. In a tradition intertwined with the continuity of change, it is evident that musicians resort to the use of artifical materials to make musical instruments and mouthpieces. There's also a significant number of virtuosos who use two-part singing outside the standardized rules and apply their own personal experiences to popularize it. The livelines of Istrian two-part singing is shown in this paper through the example of musicians and singers from a younger generation, prominent virtuosos, the work of folklore ensembles and through atypical expressions that confirm it as a living and authentic experience of the present imbued with the past.
Dvoglasje tijesnih intervala Istre i Hrvatskog primorja
istarsko dvoglasje
diskantno dvoglasje
živa tradicija
Keywords (english)
two-part narrow-interval singing of Istria and the Croatian Littoral
Istrian two-part singing
discant two-part singing
living tradition
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:278347
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulture i turizma (magistar/magistra kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-15 18:57:35