Title Primjena računalnih igara u edukacijske svrhe
Title (english) Application of computer games for educational purposes
Author Ana Bešlić
Mentor Snježana Babić (mentor)
Committee member Mario Radovan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Snježana Babić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Tanković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Informatics in Pula) Pula
Defense date and country 2022-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information Systems and Information Science
Abstract U vrijeme kada je računalo zastupljeno u svakoj razvijenijoj kući u 21. stoljeću, javlja se pitanje korištenja računala u edukativne svrhe. Upravo računalo postaje glavna spona i most između učenja i igre. Taj most je sagrađen od povezivanja današnjeg načina učenja i budućnosti u kojoj se, vjerujem, sve više javlja pitanje korištenja računala u edukaciji. Korištenje računalnih igara u edukacijske svrhe budi pitanje koji su to novi načini poučavanja, vježbanja, prenošenja znanja i vještina u današnje vrijeme. Na ovaj način pokušava se djecu privući učenju na što zanimljiviji i neobičniji način. Veća interaktivnost djece prilikom individualnog ili grupnog rada pokazuje, kako se za djecu, računalo može koristiti i u edukacijske svrhe.
Danas, postoje razni portali i stranice koje omogućavaju besplatni pristup edukacijskim i računalnim igrama. U svakom nastavnom području postoji barem jedna igra koja kod djece može i treba probuditi želju za igrom a samim tim i želju za novim načinima učenja. Edukativne računalne igre kod djece najčešće potiču aktivnost, razmišljanje, pamćenje i brzinu. Kako bi se istražilo koje su prednosti i nedostaci korištenja edukativnih računalnih igara u nastavnom procesu, provedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj ispitati percepciju nastavnika viših razreda osnovnih škola u Brodsko-posavskoj županiji spram korištenja edukativnih računalnih igara u njihovoj nastavi. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja predstavljeni su u ovom diplomskom radu.
Abstract (english) At a time when computers are represented in every more developed house in the 21st century, the question of using computers for educational purposes arises. It is the computer that becomes the main link and bridge between learning and play. It is this bridge that was built from connecting today's way of learning and the future in which, I believe, the question of the use of computers in education is increasingly arising. The use of computer games for educational purposes raises the question of what are the new ways of teaching, practicing, transferring knowledge and skills nowadays. In this way, we try to attract children to learning in the most interesting and unusual way possible. Greater interactivity of children during individual or group work shows how, for children, the computer can be used for educational purposes. Today, there are various portals and sites that provide free access to educational and computer games. In almost every area, there is at least one game that can and should awaken in children the desire to play and thus the desire for new ways of learning. In children, they most often encourage activity, thinking, memory and speed.
In order to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using educational computer games in the teaching process, a study was conducted whose goal was to investigate the experience of teachers, related to their perception of the advantages and disadvantages of using computer games for educational purposes. The results of the empirical research are presented in this thesis.
računalne igre
Keywords (english)
education games
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:176699
Study programme Title: Master in Informatics; specializations in: Master in Informatics, Master in Informatics, specialisation: teaching, Master in Informatics, Master in Informatics, specialisation: teaching Course: Master in Informatics, Master in Informatics, specialisation: teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistr/magistra edukacije informatike (magistr/magistra edukacije informatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-17 09:55:30