Abstract | Kamping turizam čini jako važan dio svjetske turističke industrije. Zahvaljujući kontinuiranom radu svih dionika, ulaganju, konkurenciji i inovacijama, on se neprestano razvija i mijenja. Taj razvitak donosi prijeko potreban povratak prirodi – naravno, uz mnoštvo novih i zanimljivih sadržaja - jer sa svojim minimalnim utjecajem na okoliš, kampovi doprinose održivom razvoju destinacije. U zadnje dvije godine, dolaskom pandemije COVID-19, svjetsko gospodarstvo, a posebno turistički sektor, doživjelo je velike (poglavito financijske) gubitke. Pa ipak, u tom razdoblju je popularnost kampova strelovito porasla. Oni su nudili sve ono što su turisti u tom trenutku zahtijevali: sigurnosni razmak, boravak na otvorenom, minimalni kontakt s drugim gostima, jasna pravila ponašanja unutar objekta i dezinfekcijske automate. Kampovi su tako, neplanirano, postali šampioni turizma. U Hrvatskoj je to, kao i u ostatku Europe, dovelo do razvoja odgovarajućih mobilnih aplikacija, inovativnih usluga i novih načina promišljanja o budućnosti. Upravo mobilne aplikacija mogu postati dodana vrijednost za turističku destinaciju. U cilju još većeg povećanja konkurentnosti u Hrvatskoj, nužna je suradnja privatnog i javnog sektora na svim razinama. Osim toga, tu su i problemi kompliciranih zakona i njihova česta izmjena, sezonalnost, nedostatak radne snage u turizmu, betonizacija i klimatske promjene. Upravo u ovom trenutku potrebno je donijeti dugoročnije i detaljnije strategije turizma. |
Abstract (english) | Camping tourism is a very important part of the world tourism industry. Following the continuous work of everyone involved, investments, competition, and innovation, the camping industry is constantly developing and changing. This development led the world back to basics - of course, with a lot of new and exciting activities in between - because with their minimal impact on the environment, campsites contribute to the sustainable development of every destination. In the last two years, since COVID-19 pandemic appeared, the world economy, and especially the tourism sector, has experienced a big financial fall. Nevertheless, the popularity of the campsites grew during this period. Campsites were able to answer to every tourist request: by maintaining a safe distance, staying outdoors, having minimal contact with other guests, setting clear rules of behavior inside the campsite, use of disinfection machines. The campsites thus, unplanned, became champions of tourism. In Croatia, as in the rest of Europe, this has led to the development of different mobile applications, innovative services, and reflection on the future. Mobile applications have a chance to become an added value for a tourist destination. To further increase competitiveness in Croatia, cooperation between the private and public sectors at all levels is necessary. In addition, there are still ongoing problems regarding the complicated laws and their frequent change, seasonality, labor shortage in tourism, excessive building, and climate change. This is a perfect opportunity for the longer-term and more detailed tourism strategies to be adopted. |