Title SEO optimizacija poslovnih web stranica
Title (english) SEO optimization of business websites
Author Božena Matak
Mentor Nikola Tanković (mentor)
Mentor Goran Matošević (komentor)
Committee member Tihomir Orehovački (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Siniša Miličić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Informatics in Pula) Pula
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information Systems and Information Science
Abstract Tema ovog rada je SEO optimizacija poslovnih web stranica. SEO (eng. Search Engine Optimization) predstavlja skup pravila koje autori web stranica slijede s ciljem boljeg pozicioniranja u rezultatima pretrage na današnjim internetskim tražilicama. Važnost optimiziranja web stranica se uviđa u činjenici kako sve više poduzeća nastoji prijeći na online način poslovanja. Cilj poduzeća postaje privući što veći broj posjetitelja koji će se zainteresirati za određene usluge ili proizvode koje poduzeće nudi te u konačnici dovesti do željene akcije, tj. posjete ili prodaje. Stoga SEO, kao takav, predstavlja ključan aspekt svake uspješne digitalne strategije. Društvene mreže kao i različiti drugi komunikacijski kanali mogu biti vrlo dobar način promoviranja određene usluge ili proizvoda no ipak u većini slučajeva SEO optimizacija daje puno kvalitetnije i trajnije rezultate. Rad sadrži teorijski prikaz pojma optimizacije web stranice i njegove važnosti. Pojmovi poput white hat SEO i black hat SEO, On-page i Off-page SEO, internetske tražilice, utjecaj društvenih mreža, SEO trendovi te popularni SEO alati su u radu detaljnije pojašnjeni. Osim teorijskog prikaza prethodno navedenih pojmova, rad također sadrži i praktični primjer optimizacije poslovne web stranice gdje su opisani koraci i rezultati optimizacije. Prema navedenom, svrha rada je ukazati na važnost i složenost SEO optimizacije poslovnih web stranica.
Abstract (english) The topic of this thesis is SEO optimization of business websites. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) represents a set of rules that webiste authors follow with the aim of better positioning in search results on today's Internet search engines. The importance of webiste optimization is seen in the fact that more and more companies are trying to switch to an online way of doing business. The goal of the company becomes to attract as many visitors as possible who will be interested in certain services or products that the company offers and ultimately lead to the desired action, i.e. a visi tor a sale. Therefore SEO, as such, is a key aspect of any successful digital strategy. Social networks, as well as various other communication channels, can be a very good way to promote a certain service or product, but in most cases, SEO optimization gives much better and more lasting results. The paper contains a theoretical presentation of the concept of website optimization and its importance. Terms such as white hat SEO and black hat SEO, On-page and Off-page SEO, Internet search engines, the influence of social networks, SEO trends and popular SEO tools are explained in more detail in the paper. In addition to the theoretical presentation of the aformentioned concepts, the paper also contains a practical example of optimizing a business website, where the steps and results of the optimization are described. According to all the above, the purpose of this pape is to point out the importance and complexity of SEO optimization of business websites.
informatički projekti
web stranice
internetske tražilice
optimizacija poslovnih web stranica
Keywords (english)
IT projects
Web pages
internet search engines
optimization of business websites
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:528868
Study programme Title: Master in Informatics; specializations in: Master in Informatics, Master in Informatics, specialisation: teaching, Master in Informatics, Master in Informatics, specialisation: teaching Course: Master in Informatics, Master in Informatics, specialisation: teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra informatike (magistar/magistra informatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-30 11:15:36